
Interesting Things

10 Wierdest things you can buy on Amazon is definitely weird. Sure to make the delivery guy wonder.

Also quite interesting is How To Hide An Airplane Factory.

[Hat Tip: A Welsh View]

Funny In The News

Not So Cool Whip

The cool guys over at Wired decided to dissect the ingredients of Cool Whip. The real fun facts are that it shares ingredients with hemorrhoid cream and sexual lubricants. Oh yea, the major ingredients are water and air.

The real stuff just contains something that came from a cows nipple. How is that for a natural alternative?

[Hat tip: Consumerist]

Funny In The News

Paris Hilton’s Birthday

According to the NY Post the following describes Paris Hilton’s 26th Birthday Party, though a little media bias led them to say it was a “little odd”:

…guests reported seeing Hilton play with a monkey while a band of midgets led a pack of goats around the room.

Where the heck was my invitation? All I got in the mail was a credit card bill. I blame the USPS for this obvious error. She should have thrown the party at a Hooters. Would be the perfect venue.

Gotta admit, she knows how to throw a party 😀 .

Around The Web Funny

Male Restroom Etiquette

Male Restroom Etiquette

It’s all so very true. This instructional video should be shown in schools to ensure it’s followed. I especially love the choice of words used.

Funny Politics

Monkey’s On A Plane

Oh boy would “Monkey’s On A Plane” be a blockbuster. Just a blank tape with that title would make millions. Film a real movie, and it’s [pinky in mouth] billions.

Well, apparently enough monkeys travel on commercial airlines every year to warrant their own section in on the TSA website. I’d love to have a monkey sitting near me, rather than a small crying child. Why do I get stuck with kids near me, instead of a chimp?

Excerpt copied below to ensure this gem is never lost:

Monkey Helpers

  • When a monkey is being transported in a carrier, the monkey must be removed from the carrier by the handler prior to screening,
  • The monkey must be controlled by the handler throughout the screening process.
  • The monkey handler should carry the monkey through the WTMD while the monkey remains on a leash.
  • When the handler and monkey go through the WTMD and the WTMD alarms, both the handler and the monkey must undergo additional screening.
  • Since monkeys may likely draw attention, the handler will be escorted to the physical inspection area where a table is available for the monkey to sit on.  Only the handler will touch or interact with the monkey.
  • TSOs have been trained to not touch the monkey during the screening process.
  • TSOs will conduct a visual inspection on the monkey and will coach the handler on how to hold the monkey during the visual inspection.
  • The inspection process may require that the handler take off the monkey’s diaper as part of the visual inspection.


Hat Tip to JWZ.


Firefox For Prom Queen

Nobody posted this to planet yet, so I guess I’ve got to do it. Firefox for Prom Queen. I think the title says it all. I love when people think outside the box. I’d just hate to be the person who looses the Prom Queen title to a bunch of 1’s and 0’s.

Funny Politics

Sierra Mist Commercial Inspiration For TSA Security Measures

The Consumerist points out that Sierra Mist TV commercial which recently aired is taking on a new relevance. If Pepsi Co. doesn’t step up this ad campaign a bit, it will be necessary to petition them to see this ad a bit more. I just love the irony. It needs to be kept on TV at all costs.

Sierra Mist

Around The Web Funny Politics

Frank Zappa’s Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Testimony

This video is priceless. A must see. You can hear everyone laughing in the background. Not to mention he was being very rational about the whole thing and poking holes in the proposed law.

Frank Zappa

Funny Software

Waiting for Duke Nukem Forever

Found here and mirrored below the break since things like this tend to disappear or move over time. This list is pretty good, haven’t verified all the facts, but they seem to be pretty accurate.

Around The Web Tech (General)

Underground bunker from 19xx

This is just a scary image. According to the caption it’s:

One of five underground bunkers built for the East German Foreign Intelligence Service.

Take a guess what year, then click on the image to see the original which has the date on it (I cropped and scaled this one).

German Command Center Scaled

According to Wikipedia, the image is a work of the US Government (and therefore in public domain) and is found on the CIA website.

Does anyone else think it looks about 30 years older than it actually is? Looks like 50’s-60’s to me. Yikes, that makes me feel old. Check out the awesome tech!