Audio/Video Funny

Shippo / Brain Controlled Tail

Brain Controlled Tail

Anyone want to take a guess what country this is from? I guess this will be successful among the Furry fans.

Around The Web Audio/Video

Injecting Saline Into Your Forehead Is A Thing

Bagel Head Saline Forehead

Warning: The above video could be slightly disturbing.

So apparently this is a thing. I can’t for the life of me understand it. It’s just bizarre to me.

In The News

Lost da Vinci Painting Found

We’ve seen stories like this before, yet it’s impressive still:

For years it sat on a farmhouse wall gathering dust.

And when Fiona McLaren redecorated, she didn’t even take the time to cover the apparently worthless painting in a protective sheet, so it got flicked in specks of paint.

However, in an astounding twist it has emerged that the picture is likely to have been the work of master artist Leonardo da Vinci and worth over £100million.

Can you imagine a da Vinci was just in your possession and you didn’t even bother to protect it before painting a room? It’s amazing how artifacts get lost and then rediscovered in time. Sobering to think how many were likely thrown out because their owners didn’t even realize what they had.

Audio/Video Funny

Conversation With 12 Year Old Self

Conversation with my 12 year old self

This is one of those brilliant ideas that you can’t help but ask yourself “why didn’t I think of that?”

In The News

What’s Under Your Couch?

Kober’s parents had stored the painting under a couch for 25 years after getting it as a gift from the sister-in-law of Kober’s great-great-grandfather. She had received it from a German baroness more than a century ago.

It’s amazing to think that someone had what is quite possibly a Michelangelo just sitting under their couch for 25 years.


Hot Dog Bun Math

It’s the 4th of July weekend here in the US. Today’s BBQ1 got me thinking about that conspiracy theory from Father of the Bride regarding the mismatch of hot dogs quantities and hot dog bun quantities. Steve Martin’s character goes nuts over the discrepancy.

This is really an exercise in Least Common Multiples that no teacher seems to exploit (at least none that I ever had).

Research tells me that the reality of this joke is a little more complicated than 8 hot dogs and 12 buns. It may even vary based on location. From what I can tell the most common hot dog packages are 8 and 10, while the most common bun packages are 10 and 12. That means a 10/10 purchase is a win in terms of efficiency. I suspect there are more combinations, but 8/10 and 10/12 seem to be the most common. Here’s a table of the possibilities:

Hot Dog Qty. Hot Dog Bun Qty. Least Common Multiple Least Hot Dog Packages Least Hot Dog Bun Packages
8 10 40 5 4
8 12 24 4 2
10 10 10 1 1
10 12 60 6 5

This leaves me to question: who profits more from this? To figure this out, we’d need to know buying habits of people and costs involved in producing, packaging, shipping these goods. I don’t have that on hand, but I can draw a pretty graph of how many packages of each you’d need to not waste food:

So it looks like we’ll be eating hot dogs in sandwich bread and making tiny sandwiches out of left over hot dog buns for years to come.

1. Technically you grill hot dogs (hot and fast), not BBQ (low and slow) but American etymology is funny.

Around The Web Funny

Sexing Up Your Towwwwwnnnn

Sex Robot

This has internet meme written all over it. It might be the first time a YouTube comment provides some relevant context:

The first viewing, you wonder “what the hell”. Second viewing, you’re thinking “this is kinda funny”. Viewings 3-10, you know now this is hilarious. After 15-25 viewings, you wonder if you have a problem. 26-49 makes you appreciate the sociological undertones of Sex Robot. 50+ viewings and you recognize it as your new God.

Warning: It may get stuck in your head.

Around The Web Funny

Unnecessary How To Articles

wikiHow is an interesting site with some pretty informative pages. However it also has some things that are just outright amusing, questionable, or potentially capable of giving you a nosebleed if you try to read them.

I’ve went through many of them and found some of the hidden gems. Here are some of my favorites along with some colorful commentary:

That concludes this tour of the Internet. I hope you had fun.


Interesting Things

10 Wierdest things you can buy on Amazon is definitely weird. Sure to make the delivery guy wonder.

Also quite interesting is How To Hide An Airplane Factory.

[Hat Tip: A Welsh View]