
Monkey Search Terms

Monkey Search Terms

Top monkeyology search terms via Google Analytics… you’re all very sick individuals.


How To Install Software In Robert

How To Install Software In Robert

Total WTF search query in analytics: “how to install software in robert”

Around The Web Funny

Greatest Movie Insults

Greatest Movie Insults

Warning: The above clip contains strong language.

This YouTube video has been making the rounds in the past 12 hours or so, I’ve seen it three separate times now, and enjoyed it just as many times. You’ll likely recognize many of them. It’s a great roundup. Enjoy.

I will get back to serious blog posts. Just not tonight.

Around The Web Funny

Sexing Up Your Towwwwwnnnn

Sex Robot

This has internet meme written all over it. It might be the first time a YouTube comment provides some relevant context:

The first viewing, you wonder “what the hell”. Second viewing, you’re thinking “this is kinda funny”. Viewings 3-10, you know now this is hilarious. After 15-25 viewings, you wonder if you have a problem. 26-49 makes you appreciate the sociological undertones of Sex Robot. 50+ viewings and you recognize it as your new God.

Warning: It may get stuck in your head.

Around The Web Funny

Pull Over Before You Pull It Out

Jabra, the company known for their mobile headset did an interesting survey of driving distractions. We’ve all seen a ton of these in the media over the years, generally we know that pretty much everyone eats at least occasionally while driving (72%). We also know people talk on the phone. We know some even text while driving (28%). Some even play video games (5%). The winner however is this little gem:

29% of respondents admitted to kissing others while driving, whereas a smaller, but surprising number (15%) said they’ve performed sex or other sexual acts while driving.

How about a public safety campaign to help bring this closer to the number playing video games (5%). I propose the following slogan: “Pull over before you pull it out.” Poster designs welcome.

Around The Web Funny

Unnecessary How To Articles

wikiHow is an interesting site with some pretty informative pages. However it also has some things that are just outright amusing, questionable, or potentially capable of giving you a nosebleed if you try to read them.

I’ve went through many of them and found some of the hidden gems. Here are some of my favorites along with some colorful commentary:

That concludes this tour of the Internet. I hope you had fun.

Around The Web Funny Programming

From Blog Post To Dictionary

A 2008 blog post of mine with one of my favorite titles ever “Object Oriented Masturbation” has led to someone creating an Urban Dictionary entry. My official stance on this is that I find it amusing, and want to accelerate the adoption of this new term.

object-oriented masturbation
ob-jikt | o·ri·ent-ed | mas⋅tur⋅ba⋅tion

  1. the stimulation or manipulation of one’s own ego by way of using object-oriented code in places where it has no advantage instead resulting in unnecessary complication and bloat.

Spread the word and be sure to visit the Urban Dictionary term and give it the thumbs up. They sell merchandise with dictionary entries on it too if you want a mug.

Around The Web Funny

Victoria Secret – You Like This

Victoria Secret "Like" Limited EditionI couldn’t resist posting this one. Apparently Victoria Secret has a free “limited edition” (with store purchase of course) panty with “you like this” printed on the back with a thumbs up, an obvious homage to Facebook.

Countdown to sexual harassment for unwanted “clicking” or “liking”? I’m sure some genius will get into trouble for that.

We could of course get into a debate over if it’s objectifying women, or just make jokes about how it’s “social” and “viral”. The parallels to privacy debate, etc. But as Sigmund Freud allegedly said “sometimes a cigar is just a cigar”1.

Before someone email’s me: yes, I posted the image and yes you can click for a full-sized one (you’re welcome). For the person who questions my judgment: It’s really no more mature than anything you’d see at a pool or beach. Grow up. For the person who is guaranteed to email asking where the original coupon is: you can find it here or here. Lastly, no, this isn’t the first time a butt has graced this blog, it’s the second time just this year.

[Hat Tip: Center Networks]

1. It’s attributed to him, but there’s no evidence he actually said it as far as I’m aware.

Audio/Video Funny

It’s Like False Advertising For Your Butt

Booty Pop

I rarely get into advertising or underwear on this blog but I had to share this one. It’s like a Miracle Bra… but for your butt.

I wonder if this booty POP trend will stick, or die quickly. I also wonder if it makes that popping sound when you put it on.

Audio/Video Funny

Squirrel Monkeys + Jell-O = Fun

JELL-O Enrichment for Squirrel Monkeys

Take Squirrel Monkeys add Jell-O, and watch the fun!