
Fun With Todo Lists

Some things upcoming this week:

  • Operations Management Quiz (hopefully not to hard)
  • Find/Order USB 2 PCMCIA card for Laptop (any recommendations)
  • Order iSkin for iPod
  • Hopefully Free Mac Mini’s will have #10 and be processing (likely done, just hasn’t and registered).
  • If above goes to processing, time to start researching a nice LCD display (likely 17″ or 19″), as well as KVM Switch
  • Finish sifting through some of the useless code in project aquarius, and finish up redoing the templating architecture (big speed improvement). Get a few more core parts hooked up… and that would wrap up milestone 0.1. [long term]
  • Finish reading Candide for World Lit
  • Figure out what’s left on the new reporter tool, and figure out a timeline for wrapping it up for 1.0
  • Watch a little TV
  • Get a little Sleep
  • [Suprise Addition] Operations Management Homework from hell

There’s more than that, but those are the ones that come to mind.

Oh yea, this page is now XHTML Strict. And will hopefully be that way 99% of the time.

Accettura Media

Project Aquarius Lives

It’s moving slowly, but “Project Aquarius” is moving again. I can’t reveal exactly what the nature of the project is, only that it’s a slow progressing project. Partially because of coding reasons, and partially because I start on it, and stop for a while. A quick time line:

  • Sprint 2003 – Initial Idea
  • March 2004 – First line of Code
  • May 2004 – Stopped Coding for first half of summer.
  • July 2004 – Started Coding again
  • September 2004 – Stopped coding
  • Jan 2005 – Started Coding yet again

And no completion date set yet. Don’t even have one in mind. Considering the above time line, I’m not surprised if it’s a while from now, but we’ll see. As you can tell, other projects, school, and work interfered quite a bit.

I’m off to bed.

Mozilla Web Development

silverorange rocks!

As if you didn’t already know silverorange totally kicks butt.

I found this little gem tonight. I’m already working off of it, for a new site I’m working on. Exactly what I was looking for.

Thanks to silverorange for making the web excellent.

Google Mozilla

Ben+Darin = Googlefox?

Yesterday we had Ben, today we have Darin.

In other news, Google bought the state of California, and renamed it to


Speakeasy distributing customized Firefox

Speakeasy is now offering a customized version of Firefox. One can assume it’s branded, and contains some bookmarks, and links of Speakeasy nature. Of particular interest was this quote:

Mozilla Firefox: Speakeasy Edition has been customized to work best with a Speakeasy broadband connection, taking just a few seconds to download. The simple installation process quickly imports all current browser favorites, passwords and other settings. In addition to POP-up blocking, tabbed browsing, increased privacy and security, embedded Google search and smoother file downloading to the computer desktop, the Speakeasy Edition of Firefox offers specialized options including select bookmarks and a custom look and feel.

In 2005, Speakeasy will add more features to its edition of the browser to enhance Speakeasy services for their customers including Voice-Over IP, business utility and network performance.

Google Mozilla

Ben + Google = Googlefox?

If there is anyone left who didn’t hear, Ben left the Mozilla Foundation for Google. Details on Ben’s Blog.

Well, he said the 10th, so several days ago.

Oh, and he’s still working on Firefox.

And still will be working out of the foundation a bit.

Oh, and Googlefox? I know everyone’s been speculating about the (Google/Mozilla) (alliance/association/interaction).

[17:56] ben is Ben Goodger

In The News

Johnny Carson

Johnny CarsonIt’s hard to be a TV fan, especially a late-night fan, without knowing Johnny Carson. He retired when I was in 2nd grade, yet he still had an impact on my TV habits. The man was brilliant.

Now yet again the late-night scene is changing (well, in a few years 2009 to be exact). Leno, Carson’s sucessor is leaving, Conan is moving up to take over for Leno, and Carson’s buddy (and rightful late-night host) David Letterman appears to stay at CBS. I’m curious what the 3 will say in honor of Carson Monday night. All 3 obviously are vastly influenced by Carson.

Wikipedia entry on Johnny Carson
IMDB entry on Johnny Carson

Personal Photos

Snow Day

Well, it snowed yesterday, and last night. Well over a foot on the ground. About 1:00 last night the snow plows came, so what is in these pictures is since the plows came. Time to get out the snow blower and shovels.

Personal Photos

Reading list

Well, it’s snowing (perhaps some pictures tomorrow if I remember, and my cell phone’s battery lasts). Anyway tonight and tomorrow I’ve got a fair amount of reading. World Lit, International Business, and Operations Management await. Yea.

I’m gearing up to post more pics. No fancy digital camera. But I do have a camera phone (as you can see above). WordPress is now semi-integrated with Gallery, so it’s easier for me to do (and maintain).

Mozilla Open Source Software

TortoiseCVS rock!

I’m not really a CVS fan. Yea, it’s a cool thing, and yes, it’s necessary. But could they make more of an effort to make it cumbersome and awkward?

cygwin’s CVS was acting funny, so today I downloaded and tried out TortoiseCVS. It’s for Windows only :-(. To sumarize it, it simply integrates CVS in Windows. So you can navigate the file system, and just right click on a directory or file, and add, commit update, etc. etc.

I gave it a little spin today, and yes, I love it. It’s a keeper.

Oh, and CVSRootChanger also makes life really sweet.

Between the two, CVS is no longer sucky. In fact, it’s amazingly good. It ends up CVS doesn’t really suck, just the clients and no, winCVS is not any better.

I used it earlier to checkin reporter (not in builds yet).

A really spiffy product. Anyone who works with CVS, and hates how CVS works should really check it out. It makes life much easier. I would highly recommend it. It’s a great open source project. Wish they brought that idea to other Operating Systems. If anyone knows of a Linux or Mac OS program that operates with similar integration, let me know in a comment.