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“Johnny Carson: King of Late Night”

Johnny Carson

It’s almost 2 hours long and it went by in about 5 minutes. It’s worth watching.

Also: I never knew Johnny Carson was the classic introvert.

Via John Gruber

In The News

Johnny Carson

Johnny CarsonIt’s hard to be a TV fan, especially a late-night fan, without knowing Johnny Carson. He retired when I was in 2nd grade, yet he still had an impact on my TV habits. The man was brilliant.

Now yet again the late-night scene is changing (well, in a few years 2009 to be exact). Leno, Carson’s sucessor is leaving, Conan is moving up to take over for Leno, and Carson’s buddy (and rightful late-night host) David Letterman appears to stay at CBS. I’m curious what the 3 will say in honor of Carson Monday night. All 3 obviously are vastly influenced by Carson.

Wikipedia entry on Johnny Carson
IMDB entry on Johnny Carson