
Wired Magazine

Wired CoverJust saw this via Asa. Amazing. Congrats to Blake!.

This is a giant accomplishment. Wired is not just a geek magazine, but has lots of mainstream readers who read it just because they enjoy technology. Wired’s got a great audience. So this means a lot in terms of promotion.



Microsoft removes IE

Via Fark, Microsoft’s Anti-Spyware beta (mentioned earlier) removes Internet Explorer.

Now if only they patch it to install Firefox.

Blog Google Internet

No more Spam!

Google, MSN, and Yahoo… plus a ton of blog developers sat down and came up with a fix. And there talking about rapid rollout on this one. Google Blog has the details.

Basically you need to have your blogging product of choice ad

<a href="URL" rel="nofollow">LINK</a>

to any link a visitor can add themselves (trackback, comments, etc). That will tell the search engines not to boost their rank based upon the linking. As a result spamming weblogs will serve no purpose. There will no longer be a page rank increase.

I’ve already hacked WordPress to cover part of this. It won’t do within comment fields, but will do so when you enter a website into the URL field when filing a comment.

Sorry spammers, the world decided: GO AWAY. We don’t like you, never have, never will. Your a bunch of “businesses” with unethical business plans (I have business in quotes since most aren’t even businesses, they are just people trying to scam someone out of some cash).

Thanks to:

Google, Yahoo, MSN, LiveJournal, Scripting News, Six Apart (MovableType), Blogger, WordPress, Flickr, Buzznet, blojsom, Blosxom .

It’s good to see widespread coordination.

Now what about email spam? When will they come up with a DomainKeys, SPF, solution.


More on the Mini

I mentioned it the other day. Now it looks like someone made a business plan out of it. Pretty cool idea. You could fit a few clients into 2U space. And cost effective.

Perhaps VPS (Virtual Private Servers) are a waste of time. Maybe this approach is better. This way, less clients are effected per hardware outage. This minimizes liability.

I’m 6/10 on getting a Free Mac Mini. I need 4 other people to make my goal of a free Mac Mini come true. So if you want to help your faithful blogger out, signup and complete an offer. most are painless. Read through them and find one that works for you.

No, I don’t currently plan to host on mini’s. But I do hope to have a mini to play with. My Macs are aging, so having a more powerful one for things like building Firefox, Thunderbird. And general development purposes would be really sweet.

So if you can, help Robert out! 4 More!

Funny Politics

Prescription Drug Plan

Drug PlanThere has been a ton of talk lately about prescription drug plans, and what can be done to make drugs more affordable. Drugs manufactured in the United States can be found cheaper in Canada, and other countries. I thought about this for a little while this evening, and came up with a solution.

The image to the left depicts my plan. For several million dollars we would build a 4 lane overpass with the Canadian government. Trucks shipping drugs would drive into Canada and go onto the “Drug Highway”. This highway would do a 180 degree turn, and take them back towards America. Now that the drugs have been in Canada, the cost is much less than if they were shipped directly to pharmacy’s in the United States. The new overpass in Canada will ensure it doesn’t interfere with traffic, or cause any burden on Canadians or Americans crossing the border.

Once back in America, the now re-imported drugs can be distributed to pharmacy’s at a much lower cost. And no negative effect on the trade deficit!

I’m pretty certain my solution would prove to be the best solution to the Prescription Drug dilemma in the United States. Contact your representative, and tell them that they should use my proposal. I have a cost effective way to make drugs more affordable. See if they have a better idea. Come on. Let them know.

Funny In The News Politics

Just wow

As if nobody knew the federal government was a haven for the mentally disturbed… Check out this article.

The latest US Weapon: turn the enemy gay.

You read that right.

I’m curious if anyone will be able to top that one.


Free Mini Mac?

Gratis Internet (the folks who brought the Free iPod deal), appear to be running a Free Mini Mac deal.

Any takers?

They did deliver on the iPod, so I now know the company is legitimate. So any help is appreciated.

If you signup using my link (above), and complete 1 offer, you can get a Gmail account (through me). Just contact using the contact form, and let me know the email you used to sign up. Once it validates that you successfully completed the offer, I’ll send you one. Note: You must contact me, so they don’t go to waste.

Google Software

Google’s got to get moving

Google supports a handful of file formats. Yahoo supports a fair amount of what I use on a normal basis. The biggest missing is Thunderbird and Firefox.

Now when is Google going to get updating? Are they going to let Yahoo come in and steal their thunder?


Mac Mini – Make Your Own Cluster?

Ok, I admitted to being a geek a long time ago, but here’s what I’m thinking:

Take Apple’s new Mac Mini, which is 2″ in height (slightly over 1U). Put several of them on a metal tray. Why? Because it can become a makeshift blade server. Granted your limited to Firewire, USB, and 10/100 Ethernet. Regardless, for rather low cost, you can get some decent power. All with 2U of rack space. IMHO that’s pretty cool. Looks like it’s a pretty simple way to get a cluster. You could even use it for some decent web hosting. 1 as a DB server, 1 or 2 as an Apache server, and perhaps a squid proxy. Mail, DNS. Each could have their own redundancy. All in 2U of rack space.

That’s amazingly low cost for having so many CPU’s, and being able to spread out your load on several physical systems.

If I had the cash, I’d give it a go. 😀

Edit: You can help me get one by signing up and completing 1 offer. They are legitimate, I got a free ipod from them not to long ago.


Static Building

I’ve started building static pages with WordPress, to see if I can speed things up (even more). I started experimenting with it a week or so ago, and have been toying around. At this point I think it’s pretty good, minus a few small glitches (all I can live with for the moment).

One apparently is that in WordPress 1.3, it doesn’t correctly show how long it took to process. For example I see:

Dynamic Page Served (once) in 0.182 seconds
Static Page Served in 1,105,325,889.680 seconds

No, it didn’t take that long. It actually loaded quicker than the dynamic page.

But yes, I’m feeling even better about WordPress, it’s a solid platform to run a Blog on. Easy to setup, configure, install, tweak, skin. I love 1.5, but I won’t be moving over until it hits final.

I’ve been somewhat quiet these past few days, since I’ve been spending a ton of time coding away on various projects. It’s starting to get close to some of it being put into production. Though some larger projects are far from completion. Other than that, not much else to say.