It’s moving slowly, but “Project Aquarius” is moving again. I can’t reveal exactly what the nature of the project is, only that it’s a slow progressing project. Partially because of coding reasons, and partially because I start on it, and stop for a while. A quick time line:
- Sprint 2003 – Initial Idea
- March 2004 – First line of Code
- May 2004 – Stopped Coding for first half of summer.
- July 2004 – Started Coding again
- September 2004 – Stopped coding
- Jan 2005 – Started Coding yet again
And no completion date set yet. Don’t even have one in mind. Considering the above time line, I’m not surprised if it’s a while from now, but we’ll see. As you can tell, other projects, school, and work interfered quite a bit.
I’m off to bed.