Apple Mozilla

iPod Sync

Looks like things are delayed for several days. The biggest issue is not freezing the Thunderbird UI during the sync. Boris Zbarsky was kind enough to take a stab at getting threading going, but that doesn’t look like it’s going to work out. I’ve got another approach in mind, thanks to David Bienvenu, but I’ve yet to get that worked out. In addition to that, I’ve got enough going on that I don’t have the necessary time to code/debug that right away. This is still a hobby and not a job [shameless plug I’ll be looking for one this summer], so please be patient.

So earliest possible timeframe is some point next week. More realistically is 2-3 weeks, because there are several things (of various sizes) I would like to actually do before I start with some testing. Rather than a release I’ll likely take a few beta testers reading this blog (so keep reading if your interested), and expand from there based on feedback.

For those wondering, I will be supporting Lightning, though likely not until there’s more integration with Thunderbird. I’ll judge that as we go along. Lightning support is still in question. Having two instances would be rather awkward, both polling for the iPod device. Something that just shouldn’t happen. Not to mention Sunbird is still somewhat early in development. I’ll evaluate that as time goes on, based on demand, and Sunbirds development.

It’s great to see so much support for this project. It’s more than I actually expected to see.

Update [11/08/2005 11:05 AM EST]: Corrected Sunbird/Lightning confusion.

Update [12-26-2005]: It’s out, and available here.

Apple Mozilla

iPod Sync Teaser II

The new iPod sync extension is so simple that besides the options GUI (which most people will never need to touch), this is the only UI a user will ever see.

Update [12-26-2005]: It’s out, and available here.

Apple Hardware Mozilla

iPod Sync Teaser

Coming Soon

iPod Detected

Yummy. Properly detecting iPod, syncing address book, and everything. Very cool.

First release will likely be Windows only, but Mac support is easy once I get things stable. I just don’t feel like debugging on two platforms at once (reformat iPod each time).

Update [12-26-2005]: It’s out, and available here.


Binary Patching

This is by far the best feature in 1.5. This capability allows Firefox to update much quicker (which means more people will keep up to date). This is not only a bandwidth saver, and a way to quickly update, but it’s a security enhancement. It makes staying secure easier and faster, which should translate to more people keeping their computers secure.

Awesome work!

I wonder if anyone is planning to port this to SeaMonkey or Camino. No clue how much work would be involved there, likely a fair amount. Anyone know if there are plans to spread the updating love?

Mozilla Spam

Is phishing the new spam?

I’m almost convinced now that the majority of stuff SpamAssassin misses isn’t really spam, but phishing messages. I think it’s time for SpamAssassin to start considering detecting it. Perhaps take a look at mscott’s good work for Mozilla Thunderbird.

Odds are lots of that detection stuff, will also detect spam slipping through by other means.

Apple Mozilla

Camino Nightlies Rock

My mac mini right now is my primary system as my laptop is down with a bad hard drive (and still on backorder). Typically my PC handles my mail and basic web browsing. So I was still using Camino 0.8.4 until just tonight when I leaped into nightlies. I’m posting just to give a giant thanks to the Camino team for their amazing work on this browser. The only complaint I have right now is the lack of extensions (and that will remain indefinitely due to it’s design). It’s extremely fast (one bounce to launch), looking extremely good, and even fixed some of the ugly stuff I hated about previous versions (like those uber-ugly tabs). The new design is sleek and just perfect.

So once again thanks to everyone who make Camino what it is. If only some of this performance tuning could be brought to Firefox, and especially Thunderbird (which is extremely slow on my mac mini).

Anyway. It’s pure bliss. If you have a Mac, I’d suggest downloading, “installing” (you Mac guys know how great our “Installs” are), and give it a go.

Blog Mozilla Open Source

Firefox Counter Plugin for Word Press

Matt Mullenweg just emailed me that he incorporated my changes for the firefox counter plugin. You can now get Thunderbird stats with the following code:

< ?php firefox_count(‘thunderbird’);  ?>

Another toy is still in the works (waiting on something still). Hopefully you’ll see something soon.

Apple Mozilla

mozPod Status Update (0.1)

I’ve gotten several emails about this now, so it’s time for an update. I’ve been busy with many other projects, and have been slow on this for a little while. It’s almost at 0.1 (our first release). Asa’s working on some icon love, and I’ve been testing a few things. I’m hoping to have a release out soon (few more weeks). Some general notes in no particular order or relevance (make what you will of it):

  • Supporting just about every field we can possibly support on the iPod
  • Sync speed isn’t bad.
  • 0.1 may be Windows only (recommended). It will install and [attempt] on the Mac, but I haven’t tested the code. So if someone is willing to give feedback, I’d welcome it.
  • International support may be an issue. Not only aren’t we localizing yet (we will, volunteers will be called upon in a future release), but I’m not sure all character sets work just right. Will need people to check on that.
  • Linux isn’t a supported iPod platform, but if someone is willing to answer some questions, leave me a comment with a real email address (never displayed online), and I’ll ask you what I need to know to add support.
  • All iPods with Address Book capabilities will be supported. See Apple’s website if you are unsure if your model does. As I recall 1st generation iPods don’t support it.
  • I do plan on supporting Calendar once the Lightning project stabilizes a bit and materializes. I don’t think it’s worth aiming at a moving target (at least at that rate of speed). Once releases are made and we start thinking about end users actually using it (rather than dreaming), that’s when I will get on that.

0.1 will be a rather rough release, just to get an idea of what we can do, and how it can be done. It’s far from a release quality product, and only recommended for those willing to give detailed feedback for fixing bugs.

Update [12-26-2005]: It’s out, and available here.

Apple Blog Mozilla

It’s all Coming Soon

I’ve got a bunch of things in the works:

  • mozPod (iPod sync for Thunderbird), version 0.1
  • reporter tool (extension and webtool)
  • new blog design, and new toys!
  • a secret something? (more a long term thing)

So things may be a little quiet as I wrap some stuff up, and keep up with school work. All are looking pretty good at this point. So I’m rather excited. So much work being done, and so little to actually show right now. But hopefully at some point in the future things will start seeing the light of day.

So keep your eyes on this general space for a new amazing design, big announcements (some bigger than others), and a secret something to be unveiled (the secret may be under wraps for quite some time) to be unveiled on a day of the week that ends in ‘y’. And yes, that’s the only hint I’m giving.

Don’t you love it when I post stuff like this?

Update [12-26-2005]: It’s out, and available here.


mozPod Status Update

I’ve promised mozPod for some time, well it’s getting close to a 0.1 release, just a few more things I want to do. Some cool things in the past few days:

  • Supports most fields, so you’ll get lots of info on your iPod. iPod doesn’t support everything Mozilla does, so we can’t get it all, but we do a great job anyway.
  • Sync isn’t complete, but it’s not bad, pretty quick for most reasonable Address Books
  • Should feature an exclusive Asa Dotzler sync icon (or so he promised). I had the option of using an unpublished Picasso, but I declined instead choosing a Dotzler.

It’s not done yet, but were starting to look usable, and that’s a good thing 😀

Update [12-26-2005]: It’s out, and available here.