Coming Soon
Yummy. Properly detecting iPod, syncing address book, and everything. Very cool.
First release will likely be Windows only, but Mac support is easy once I get things stable. I just don’t feel like debugging on two platforms at once (reformat iPod each time).
Update [12-26-2005]: It’s out, and available here.
9 replies on “iPod Sync Teaser”
I was under the impression that Macs supported PC formatted iPods.
{status=”excited_like_a_twelve_year_old_girl}OMG.{/status} Great news – definitely post here when you need some testers.
I spy 3G logo. 3G FTW! 😀
[…] Wie praktisch: Robert Accettura arbeitet an einer Erweiterung für Mozilla Thunderbird, die eine direkte Synchronisation der Adressbuchdaten zwischen Thunderbird und einem iPod ermöglicht. IM Blog des Authors findet sich ein vielversprechender Screenshot. […]
[…] Looks like we will have an iPod Sync extension to Thunderbird soon. Nice!!! […]
Please say someone is looking into this for Sunbird/Lightning as well! IE. what does “and everything” mean.
@AW: I’m on that already… but it’s not going to happen until it’s in Thunderbird, and becomes more stable. So it will be a while.
I can confirm that Windows-formatted iPods work on OS X – my iPod is Windows-formatted but I use it on my Mac all the time.
Really looking forward to this – hope development goes well 🙂
What about collision with iTunes 6 that now syncs address book from outlook?