I’ve got a bunch of things in the works:
- mozPod (iPod sync for Thunderbird), version 0.1
- reporter tool (extension and webtool)
- new blog design, and new toys!
- a secret something? (more a long term thing)
So things may be a little quiet as I wrap some stuff up, and keep up with school work. All are looking pretty good at this point. So I’m rather excited. So much work being done, and so little to actually show right now. But hopefully at some point in the future things will start seeing the light of day.
So keep your eyes on this general space for a new amazing design, big announcements (some bigger than others), and a secret something to be unveiled (the secret may be under wraps for quite some time) to be unveiled on a day of the week that ends in ‘y’. And yes, that’s the only hint I’m giving.
Don’t you love it when I post stuff like this?
Update [12-26-2005]: It’s out, and available here.
6 replies on “It’s all Coming Soon”
Ends in ‘y’ hmm. Well I can rule out…doh!
Agony… don’t hold too long that mozPod thingy… 😀
Fabián: mozPod is coming soon. It’s getting close to a 0.1 release. I’m want to get 1 or 2 little things done… and I’m waiting for Asa to make me a pretty icon, since my graphic skills… stink. 😥
Thankfully Asa’s good, and he said he would do it! 😎
Any chance mozPod will ever be released? 😐 Would be really great. 😆
I can’t wait for finally having a possibility to sync my thinderbirdy with my ipod. I’m very thankfull you’r working on this, since nobody else (knowingly) does. In my opinion it is rather pathetic that several outlook sync-tools are available while the real geeks haven’t produced anything for the beloved mozilla yet.
Gosh, sometimes I really wish I had more time and motivation learning a real programming language! This makes me feel helpless and dependant 😕