In The News

Porn Illegal

Can you believe this? Porn illegal behind the wheel? How could they? Why can’t an adult enjoy a steamy adult video while driving cross country?

Canadian Pork may not be kosher to all faiths Yikes!.

And that sums up todays creepy headlines.

In The News

E-mail STD Hoax… coming to your inbox soon

Why does this just seem to be asking for a hoax to be created? Do people think at all before coming up with these ideas?

I can see it now [the following simulation email is purely fictional and has not to my knowledge been used]:


I am writing to you today from the Los Angeles County Health Department. It has come to our attention that a sexual partner of yours has been diagnosed with an Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD). To help prevent the spread of such diseases we are notifying you so that you may be tested.

Your name will be published to a website to alert potential sexual partners that you have been in contact with a confirmed STD carrier unless you arange to pay a removal fee ($100), and send away for a testing kit ($350). To inquire about how to do so and protect yourself, reply to this email with your Full Name, Address, and Back Account Information.

This just sounds like something that will be used as a hoax to scam people out of money in the near future. I’m surprised they would even attempt to do something like this.

Just wait until the Los Angeles County Health Department wants you to help them secure funds for health research during the upcoming elections by holding it in your back account, in return they will give you 10%. πŸ˜€

Just another reason why you should always be skeptical of what comes in your email. I know I wouldn’t believe one of these emails.

Some things do need to be delivered by a Postal Worker.

In The News

If only I had the cash

I’d own me a Blue Angel.

How sweet it would be to buy an F/A-18A on ebay.

My favorite aircraft ever.

In The News

Janet Jackson most queried

According to this CNN article, Janet Jacson’s Superbowl stunt was the #1 Query.

Being that I posted on the topic, I took a bit of that traffic. Held up alright, no problems. But it was evident in particular for a few hours the other day. It’s amazing how quickly search engines can update their index to reflect this website. πŸ˜‰

Anyway, back to work.

In The News

Geek 2.0

This guy is even more of a geek than me.

Anyone who names their child “Mozilla” and proves it to me (a hoax works, provided it’s well done), will get their kids picture and a link to their website (if you name a kid Mozilla, at least make it a website too, and make sure it validates). Here on my website.

I’m serious. Anyone feel like it, go ahead πŸ˜‰

Transcript of the discussion with the spouse over naming the child (and you suggest “Mozilla”) is also welcome. Text, MP3, MP4, AAC, acceptable. Email before attaching files so I don’t think they are viruses.

In The News

Someone Invite me?

Anyone with an account on Orkut?

Can someone invite me?

I’m alone πŸ™

In The News

Baby Names

Some of the names on this list remind me of the “sissy names” George Carlin made fun of back when he taped Complaints and Grievances for HBO (great show, I was there). Guys named Todd.

According to, the top 20 baby names:

Top 20 boys names:

  1. Aidan/Aiden/Aden
  2. Jaden/Jayden
  3. Caden/Kaden
  4. Ethan
  5. Caleb
  6. Dylan
  7. Jacob
  8. Jordan
  9. Logan
  10. Hayden
  11. Connor
  12. Ryan
  13. Morgan
  14. Cameron
  15. Andrew
  16. Joshua
  17. Noah
  18. Matthew
  19. Addison
  20. Ashton

Top 20 girls’ names

  1. Madison
  2. Emma
  3. Abigail
  4. Riley
  5. Chloe
  6. Hannah
  7. Alexis
  8. Isabella
  9. Mackenzie
  10. Taylor
  11. Olivia
  12. Hailey
  13. Paige
  14. Emily
  15. Grace
  16. Ava
  17. Aaliyah
  18. Alyssa
  19. Faith
  20. Brianna
In The News

Saddam Captured


This concludes another fun with photoshop

Saddam, is really Santa 1000 years ago (“Saddam is arabic for “Santa past”). Evil Bin Laden, trying to steal Christians Christmas (remember this is a religious war), went back in his time machine he stole from the Iranian government. He captured Santa from the past:

and brought him to the future.

If Santa today, encounters, past Santa… Santa as we know it will cease to exist:

The dark secret is that he and Michael Jackson, are both known for touching young children in the dark of night… A chimney isn’t the only narrow passage Santa has been in.

Shhhh… it’s still classified. More info later, when it’s declassified.

IMHO, would have been a lot better if he was captured like his sons. Dead with no mess. Now we get to hear years of disagreement over what to do with him? UN Trial? US Trial (Gidmo? Death Penalty?) Future Iraqi Trial? Who holds him?

Not to mention retaliation from resistance groups. A dead Saddam would be a better Saddam. Would save a ton of time and money.

In The News

Tis very sad

Teen in Suicide Leap at Time Sq. Hotel, (Other linkage: NY Times, Newsday, NY Daily News) not exactly a pleasant headline to read. Worse, when you hear it’s someone you knew back in the day from school(s), and read their name in print.

I remember reading a while back when someone else did the same thing. That hotel is amazing on the inside. Very unique. Never considered that someone would view the architecture as a method to end their lives, but apparently, this isn’t the first time.

Very sad, and right before the holidays. Nobody should end up like Vincent DePeralta.

In The News

Oral Lorena Bobbit

Stay away from This Chick

I’m wondering if these were kids… or adults.
