In The News

World AIDS Day 2003

For World AIDS Day, the site got a little makeover, with the typical Red and White.

Join the grassroots effort to support the cause. Change your stylesheet for the day, and trackback to this post. It takes just a moment of your time to create a little virtual-memorial.

In The News

First Chewable Oral Contraceptive

All I can say is yikes. Checkout what the FDA Approved.

I’m not sure what market they are targeting here? In any case, it’s a bit humorous, yet creepy. Is teen (and possibly earlier) sex really that out of hand creating a market for this?

I’m really quite curious as to the actual market this product has been designed for? Is it for juveniles as it implies? Or is there another group? Will this promote unprotected teen sex? Could this be a good thing (less teens with kids), or a bad thing (AIDS, et. al.). I’m not so thrilled about what this may encourage, among a potentially very young age group.

I could think of several jokes about being unable to swallow, sex, and the need for the Pill (or lack of). But I won’t go there, for the sake of keeping this blog PG πŸ˜†

Just wait until fast food chains start giving sex toys in the children’s meals. πŸ˜‰

I’m curious about what others think… BUT watch those comments (should you choose to comment). I hate moderating, but will if necessary. Keep it clean and friendly.

In The News

Digital IQ

MSNBC has a neato quiz. I encourage all to take and share their results (if they dare). I’m [sadly] a 181. πŸ˜† I’m not sure if I should be proud of my geekyness, or upset about it.

Oh well, cat’s out of the bag… So what’s your score?

In The News

Microsoft Fires over a Blog

This is pretty upsetting. Microsoft fired an individual over this post on his blog. Microsoft says it’s a security violation. Which is Gates-speak for embarrassing Apple’s at Microsoft.

In The News

Height matters

According to this Study, tall people make more money than short people.

“Each inch in height amounted to about $789 more a year in pay, the study found. So someone who is 7 inches taller – say 6 feet versus 5 feet 5 inches – would be expected to earn $5,525 more annually, he said.”

Great. Now we are going to see dozens of lawsuits defending short people (well, dumb people who blame it on being short). And the NAVCP (National Association for Vertically Challenged People).

Perhaps this is why Gary Coleman lost the California Election to Aaanold, the Kindergarden Cop? Perhaps it’s position, not just money.

In The News Rants

Are you stupid? I ask the television.

If your not in the mood for a rant on society… Skip this post.

This wasn’t the article I was looking for (looking for one I saw on TV the other day), but it will suffice for this rant. Why are people so stupid? I don’t know who is dumber. This article is about several groups of stupid people butting heads. All very thick skulls. It’s like throwing two rocks in the air, and having them impact in midair. It’s a waste of time that accomplishes nothing. Of course that’s exactly what this post will do. But it gets some frustration off my chest.

  1. Why must people drink in giant parties? If your going to do something stupid.. At least keep it small scale. You just have to wonder how bright someone is when they get caught. It takes a real lack of intelligence to get caught. Homes aren’t monitored. If they create enough of a disturbance to summon police… You must have done something really dumb. If your still there when the cops get there, not intelligent enough to leave. You deserve it. If you caused it, you deserved it.
  2. Why care so much? It’s going to happen anyway.
  3. Are parents retarded? Seriously. Are they? Read the article. The math formula reads something like:
    $parent = $stupid +1;

Just can’t help but question everyone. I can’t tell who is stupider.

That brings me back to the ultimate question: Why put tags on blow dryers that say to keep it away from water? The people who have been saved by these tags go on to be the people I discuss up above.

If your going to drink. Do it responsibly. Or just don’t do it. It’s pretty freaking dumb if the police are aware of something going on. Nobody goes around sniffing drinks in private homes.


In The News Politics

Do not call list

They better get the Do Not Call List working soon. Apparently there have been some legal issues.

I can’t stand telemarketers. They drive me nuts. Don’t want to buy anything from some con-artist over the phone. The fact that a company uses telemarketing makes it an invalid company in my mind.

There’s no need to call, because I will not pay, buy, or vote for anything telemarketed. It just crosses you off my list.


In The News


Tornado struck not far from my home today. Took off part of Walmart’s roof. Messed up a few things.

Think the Chinese place is ok. At least I hope it is. Lookin’ forward to some Mongolian Grilled food soon.

That’s why when there is a Tornado Advisory… you listen. Or your Walmart could lose it’s roof.

In The News Politics

He’s not even dead yet

He’s not even dead yet, and were going through his mail.

Kind of sad how people take advantage. The man’s still living (though not in a great state of mind sadly), and we are discussing his paper trail and intimate letters.

Some people push it to far.

In The News

Isbel’s Hole

From the best weather service on the planet ( Cashed here for historical purposes:


Looks like a hole over NJ. Any time now, I guess it’s going to start getting more windy. It looks like just a faint breeze outside the window. Will know soon enough.

Surprisingly quiet outside. No people, no animals making noise, no nothing. It’s completely dead. Guess that means a bad storm is coming.