In The News

What’s Under Your Couch?

Kober’s parents had stored the painting under a couch for 25 years after getting it as a gift from the sister-in-law of Kober’s great-great-grandfather. She had received it from a German baroness more than a century ago.

It’s amazing to think that someone had what is quite possibly a Michelangelo just sitting under their couch for 25 years.

In The News

So who cleans David’s Balls

This article got me thinking. Who gets stuck with cleaning David’s genitalia? Is it sexual harassment if a women gets the job? Can a man sue if he is asked to do such a task? I know I wouldn’t want to be stuck on a scaffolding cleaning some marble genitalia. Perhaps that’s just me. Something about giant hard marble gonads make me think twice about cleaning. Can you contract an VD (the politically correct term for STD, meaning venereal disease)? Is your employer required to provide adequate protection?