
Anyone else think some dev’s don’t blog enough

I say this because all to often, Ben Goodger’s checkin’s make me curious 😉

XPInstall UI… Not done just yet but getting closer.

That’s about all we see. No screenshots, no blogging.

Some of the Bugzilla bugs are rather vague as to whats being done. Not to much details. IMHO it would be nice to start seeing some more documentation of the day to day changes, in more understandable terms. The Burning Edge is a great website for day to day stuff, but not to much information on each thing. Just a mention.

Not a “complaint”, or a “criticism”, or intended to start a flame war, or a giant thread over at Mozillazine . It’s purely intended as a suggestion for anyone looking for a good way to unite the community a bit.

I think since the Mozilla Foundation formed, the communication went down a bit. Not sure if that’s because more contributions are coming from remote computers, rather than Netscape. Or perhaps it’s pure overload of work over at Mozilla Foundation Headquarters as Asa notes.

In any regard, I hope after the holidays, when things settle down a bit, we see some more. First David Hyatt got sporadic with posting, then many followed.

I’d say one of the best sources right now is Henrik Germal’s Blog. A real quality job in keeping everyone informed on what’s what.

Mozillazine is of course great as well, but not as nitty gritty on the dev work as Henrik can be. With good reason, they tend to orient more toward the general community, rather than the ubergeeks.


Mozilla 1.6b Arrives

If you haven’t yet, download now. It’s a neat release, seems pretty stable so far, and it’s beta.

Download the updated lizard, and spread the goodness.


Palm OS Address Program

Does Palm OS 5 support “Contacts” or “Address” as the address book program?

From how I see it, all but 3 models, use Address. But I have yet to see this in writing beyond a reasonable doubt (I just made my conclusion based on my findings). Can anyone help David and myself out here with some info?

I personally wish Palm Source would bring Contacts to Palm OS 4/5, and update the CDK to support it. Would make development a bit easier, and great functionality.

Not to mention, seeing a product supported for an extended period of time, makes one more inclinded to consider the brand in the future. Apple supports their computers very well “officially” for years. A great deal. Where most PC manufacturers don’t support PC’s after a year or two. When the XP upgrades came out, most older PC’s (over a year), weren’t officially “supported” by their manufacturer under XP. You were at your own risk if you upgraded. When I see how long my Mac can go with up to date software, it’s reassuring. Years later, still have current software, and completely supported hardware.

Enough of my rant about supporting products. What’s the verdict on Palm OS’s address program? What’s the standard?


Why can’t I save Image Map’s?

Here, and here. Why can’t I save an image map by right clicking and just saving as?

I can view source, and copy the URL of the image, then save as. But that’s beside the point.

On Mozilla 1.5.

Is there a reason for this existing in a release? I can’t understand it.


Nvu Progress

If your not checking Daniel Glazman’s blog on a daily basis, you really should be. I wish more developers would blog like he does. Checkout the latest screenshot. I hope that color picker makes it to Mozilla soon. That’s real sweet.

Seriously. Keep an eye on that blog. It’s great stuff. Often screenshots, and daily updates, with lots of detail. And it’s not to technical.


Just in from Netscape

Just got this email from Netscape:

Coming Soon: All-New Netscape Internet Service!
As a Netscape Network user, we’d like to make you aware of a new Internet service Netscape will soon be releasing. With this new service you’ll enjoy unlimited internet access for a low price of $9.95 per month. Stay tuned for more details on this new offer. Or, if you want to be one of the first to try the new Netscape service, please go to the hyperlink below. You may either click on the link or copy and paste this address into your browser.

As mentioned earlier.


Mozilla looses an embedder

appMac, creator of wkiosk, announced a new version. This new version uses Apple Safari HTML engine, and is a free upgrade for customers of wKiosk 2. Version 2.2 is still available, and uses Gecko.

Wonder why they switched?

One should note it requires 10.3. So perhaps, they are utilizing the smaller package (no need to install WebCore, as it’s ships with 10.3). Unlike Gecko, which has to be included.


Firebird Download Manager

If you haven’t downloaded a Firebird nightly, this is the one to get. The new download manager is stunning. It’s sleek, real professional, and really nifty. I like being able to clean out with the click of a button. UI is very responsive, and pause/resume seems to work on click, rather than on delay.

Absolutely amazing work by Ben Goodger.

My suggestion for improvement would be the following:

  • Option to limit size of download manager to X downloads. That way, download manager doesn’t get to big. Many like myself can get quite large. I’ve had thousands in mine. I’d like it to self clean itself. Limit to 100, a nice number. Some may want higher or lower. Ideally, it would allow you to select a predefined number, or “clear on exit” where it would clear it when you close Firebird.
    Self cleaning ovens are loved, so are self cleaning refrigerators. Mozilla is getting a Kitchen Sink (or so the joke goes). Why not a self cleaning Kitchen Sink?
  • Ability to Optimize display. It’s pretty, but not as much on screen as the old one. For those with smaller monitors, I think the ability to go to a more compact version (similar to the old version) would be nice. Same simplicity, just utilize the horizontal structure more. That way, your download manager doesn’t need to be a giant window to view all your downloads.

No bugs on these just yet. A tad short on time. Feel free if you like them to file a bug, just CC me on them, so I can track them.

Again, cheers to Ben on his great work, I love the design, I think with a few tweaks, it can prove to be the best download manager available. Previously, I thought Camino sported the best.


The journey to fix 219162

What has been a really annoying issue apparently has a better patch. Bug 21962 has been fixed.

Thankfully. Hopefully this time, all these errors will go away. Not as often as before the first fix, but still happens sometimes.



As undoubtably, everyone will blog in the next 24 hours… New has been launched. Looks great. Also has a wonderful end user focus.

One thing I would do, is make a subdomain for corporate customers. Gear the same information, but corporate advantages (why Mozilla is good for an organization). How to deploy? Security? Updating? Customizing? Branding? etc. These corporate users involve thousands of users per company. And remember. Convince 1 company, and potentially thousands of users are exposed to Mozilla. That means some will undoubtedly, download for home use.

An ISP targeted subdomain may not be a bad idea either.

While not technically end users. These customers will advertise for the Mozilla project. All have reason to consider Mozilla. For example licensing. Mozilla is free distro for all OS’s. Great for ISP’s. Can be customized, etc.

Food for thought.