
More on the Mini

I mentioned it the other day. Now it looks like someone made a business plan out of it. Pretty cool idea. You could fit a few clients into 2U space. And cost effective.

Perhaps VPS (Virtual Private Servers) are a waste of time. Maybe this approach is better. This way, less clients are effected per hardware outage. This minimizes liability.

I’m 6/10 on getting a Free Mac Mini. I need 4 other people to make my goal of a free Mac Mini come true. So if you want to help your faithful blogger out, signup and complete an offer. most are painless. Read through them and find one that works for you.

No, I don’t currently plan to host on mini’s. But I do hope to have a mini to play with. My Macs are aging, so having a more powerful one for things like building Firefox, Thunderbird. And general development purposes would be really sweet.

So if you can, help Robert out! 4 More!


Mac Mini – Make Your Own Cluster?

Ok, I admitted to being a geek a long time ago, but here’s what I’m thinking:

Take Apple’s new Mac Mini, which is 2″ in height (slightly over 1U). Put several of them on a metal tray. Why? Because it can become a makeshift blade server. Granted your limited to Firewire, USB, and 10/100 Ethernet. Regardless, for rather low cost, you can get some decent power. All with 2U of rack space. IMHO that’s pretty cool. Looks like it’s a pretty simple way to get a cluster. You could even use it for some decent web hosting. 1 as a DB server, 1 or 2 as an Apache server, and perhaps a squid proxy. Mail, DNS. Each could have their own redundancy. All in 2U of rack space.

That’s amazingly low cost for having so many CPU’s, and being able to spread out your load on several physical systems.

If I had the cash, I’d give it a go. 😀

Edit: You can help me get one by signing up and completing 1 offer. They are legitimate, I got a free ipod from them not to long ago.