In The News

AOL Time Warner to drop AOL

… at least the name may be dropped.

Secondly, AOL today released AOL Communicator, based in part on Gecko (MOZILLA!!!) Shows AOL still has reason to care about the project.


Horray for Blogging

I’m getting a little better with blogging. A whole week of daily wordage. That’s not bad.

Soon they will stop being so shallow, and be more technical about stuff like XML, XUL, HTML, CSS, AppleScript, Perl, PHP, and cool protocols like HTTP 1.1, POP3, SMTP, FTP, SSH, TCP/IP, and such… boy do I work with a lot of acronyms on a daily basis 😉

Anyways… bed time.


For those wondering… Wordage is a word

wordage n.

  1. Words considered as a group.
  2. The use of an excessive number of words; verbiage.
  3. The number of words used, as in a novel.
  4. Wording.

Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

and you can use that link to validate it yourself. The folks (American Heritage) are pretty reputable.


Fun With Wordage

It’s official, the name of the site is “Fun With Wordage”, rather than the generic “Robert Accettura’s Fan Site” which was boring.

Also new is more quotes (and hopefully less redundancy). Will be adding more good quotes in the near future.


MacWorld to stay in NYC?

The Register is running an interesting article. Apparently there is still debate if they should move or not.

Seems like Boston keeps losing things to NYC. Babe Ruth, many World Series, and now MacWorld NY


Mozilla 1.4.1 Soon

Many are aware that Mozilla 1.4.1 will ship hopefully soon.

Asa was kind enough to email me a “by no means perfect” Bugzilla List of what’s been fixed/changed.

Shows Mozilla progresses quickly.


SpamAssassin for Mac OS X

I will get around to packaging SpamAssassin for Mac OS X one of these days. I got stuck a while back with some other issues with it, but I think they have been smoothed out now. So expect to see something soon. Note I won’t specify a date, but somewhere between now, and (before) hell freezing over.

Should be good, a nice powerful spam filter, free for OS X users. What’s not to like?


Updates: Zend Optimizer, Flight 93

Was able to install Zend Optimizer. Updated PHP, and used another install script. Went perfectly.

Flight 93, as predicted was in the news again

Tech (General)

Need some gaming

Games, games, games, games, games.

Americas Army 1.9 is Gold. Was able to find a copy already posted. Got medic certification. Surprisingly identical to Red Cross certification (just shorter). Awesome update. Great work on behalf of the AA:O Team. Definitely worth the wait!

My favorite game of all Time F/A-18 Hornet has been updated yet again! F/A-18 Operation Iraqi Freedom. Seems like a sweet game, at a real low price. Check out some screenshots. I loved 2.0, and 3.0 (never got into Korea). This game appears to be a “must have”… since I must have it!

Better go to sleep.

In The News

California Govenor

I have to admit, I’m for Gary Coleman. Check out his agenda. How can you not like the guy?

I’d bet that Arnold (official site) will win. But will end up like Jessie Ventura.

More proof that the dot com’s would have done better on the east coast, where people are a bit more rational.

Mozilla Foundation’s Asa Dotzler is also running. Awesome!