Firefox Tips Mozilla

Firefox Tip: Master Password

Love the password manager? Previously I provided a tip for haters. Here’s one for the lovers. Use a master password, this allows you to use one password to provide security, but without needing to remember all those others you have. To set one go into the
“Tools” menu and select “Options” and click on the “Security” tab. Now check where it says “Use a master password”. You’ll be prompted to create one. It will even show you how good your password is.

If you need help generating a good secure password, check out

Blog Security

SafePasswd Secure Edition + Blog

As of yesterday is now suggesting passwords over SSL for better security. Seems like a good idea right?

In other news, there is now a blog. The focus is quite simple. Bring better security to the masses.

Check it out, add the feed to your favorite RSS reader, bookmark it.

Around The Web Internet Security

PayPal Security Enhancement

For $5 you will be able to get a little better security with a PayPal SecurID. That’s not a bad idea. I very rarely use PayPal (mainly when some sort of discount/promotion is available), but I’d still get one, just for the added safety.

I wish banks would hurry up and make it standard across the board. A good password is still important, but two-factor authentication like this is a big step in defeating Phishing.

Categories Update 11/19

I updated tonight. Updates include better generation of memorable passwords, easier to handle length selector, and better quality bar. Most of the changes were to algorithms, rather than major features. Hopefully the quality of passwords generated is now slightly improved. It’s not always about the big things, sometimes it’s the smaller refinements that need to be done.

Around The Web

20,000 Passwords Analyzed

An interesting perspective on 20,000 Passwords. As noted in the comments, the data collection skews the results a bit, since most people who fall for phishing scams aren’t knowledgeable enough to know a good password form a bad password.

But it’s possible to generate a safe password with ease even if your not a technically inclined ;-).

Accettura Media Update

So it’s been about 10 days since I launched, and so far the response has been extremely positive. I made a few small changes to the system to improve the quality of “memorable” passwords, and I have now made the default length of passwords a minimum of 10, up from 8 (it’s actually is random between 10 and 14). A few slight UI fixes were also made.

Overall, very good first week. Thanks to those who gave feedback.

Apple Mozilla Web Development

The Need For Browser Testing

Ok, I’ve done a fair amount of work over the years in browser compatibility. From web development work, to writing the reporter tool. I’m well acquainted with the stress of testing your beautiful site against a dozen different browsers/versions/platforms. I just recently did so with which I launched the other day. IE5,5.5,6, Firefox 1.0, 1.5, and soon 3.0 (2.0 is pretty similar to 1.5, so likely not much trouble), Safari, Opera! It’s a drag.

What drives me nuts is I can’t keep parallel versions of IE on 1 system to test against. I want to test against IE 5.5, 6, and 7 (RC1 as of this post). This hack lets you have IE 7 as a standalone, but the broken stuff is rather critical.

So what does a web developer do?

  • Keep several computers lying around with different browser versions? This seems costly?
  • VMWare (or Parallels) with different configurations? This too is rather expensive, as Windows licenses aren’t just given out like Linux.
  • Install/uninstall each and every time? That’s excessively time consuming to test between just IE6 and IE 7.

I know there are some services out there that will give you screenshots of your page, but that doesn’t work for things like JavaScript functionality testing, and debugging. So those are effectively worthless for most purposes.

So what is the recommended approach to testing between IE versions? I haven’t been able to find any recommendation from Microsoft on the topic (if anyone knows of one, please point it out). Perhaps it’s a topic for the guys over at the IE Blog?

The same question goes for Safari? How can I a Mac OS X Tiger guy, test how my apps ran with whatever version of Safari someone with Mac OS X 10.3.6 would have? Or 10.2 (though to be honest, I have a 10.2 machine around)? Perhaps it’s a topic for their blog as well?

For the record, all Firefox releases can be found here, Opera can be found here.

So what’s the “best practice”? So far it seems the jury is out on IE and Safari. Firefox and Opera are a pain, but easily done. So what do you do?

Accettura Media Internet Web Development



I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of tinkering. Way back when, I wrote a script to help me generate cool random passwords. I thought people wouldn’t mind one that didn’t suck… so recently I got to work on that.

The site is still in beta, and quite a few things aren’t quite done yet, and some things are still being tested out. There will be advanced options to further customize password creation, as well as some API’s for those who want to quickly plug in automated password generation into their “Web 2.0” applications. Those will be coming in the near future.

So check it out, and let me know what you think. It’s designed to be simple and helpful. It’s not Google and it’s not Digg. Just trying to make online life a little simpler.