Around The Web Internet Security

PayPal Security Enhancement

For $5 you will be able to get a little better security with a PayPal SecurID. That’s not a bad idea. I very rarely use PayPal (mainly when some sort of discount/promotion is available), but I’d still get one, just for the added safety.

I wish banks would hurry up and make it standard across the board. A good password is still important, but two-factor authentication like this is a big step in defeating Phishing.

Security Software

AOL to issue SecurID to customers

SecurIDAfter pestering AOL employees with the damn things for years, now they want to charge customers for the same pain in the butt.

I hate these stupid things. Keep them on your keychain, and you know it’s going to break, and your going to have login problems. Don’t keep it on your keychain, and you know you’ll forget, and be unable to login. No matter what, you loose.

I won’t say they are ineffective, since they do work. But they are the biggest pain in the butt.