
GPS Spoofing Not Far Off

Today’s disturbing technical news goes to…

“So far no credible high profile attack has been recorded but we are seeing evidence of basic spoofing, likely carried out by rogue individuals or small groups,” Humphreys explains. “Whilst the leap to more advanced, untraceable spoofing is large, so are the rewards. It’s therefore guaranteed that criminals are looking at this. All it takes is one person to put one together and publish it online and we have a major problem.”

Iran claims to have already done this to bring down a drone intact. There’s no public confirmation or evidence to prove if this is actually what happened or not.

The reality is messing up people’s phone or car navigation is relatively benign mayhem at best. Disrupting military systems, aircraft, financial systems is a much larger concern.

Google Web Development

Google Pac-Man Hacking

Google Pac-man

Quick Hack

Here’s a literally 2 minute hack for the Google Pac-Man tribute on the homepage right now to put your own face on Pac-Man (pardon my poor photoshopping):

Pac-Man raccetturaized

To try it add the following bookmarklet to your browser by dragging the link below to your bookmark bar:
raccettura-ize pacman

Now go to Google and press “Insert Coin” to play the game. Once the game loads, run the bookmarklet by clicking on it.

Hack yourself into Pac-Man

Want to make your own? You likely have better photoshop skills than me. Download this image and replace the Pac-Man (and optionally MS. Pac-Man) images with ones of your own keeping the position and sizes the same. Save as a PNG with transparency. Then upload somewhere. Now make a bookmarklet that looks like this (replacing URL_TO_YOUR_IMAGE with the URL of your image):


Now share with your friends.

Permanent Home

Google has now removed Pac-Man from the homepage but it can still be found here.

Edit [5/24/2010 @ 8:45 PM EST]: Added “Permanent Home”.

Apple Software

iPhone Native Applications

Someone created Mobile Terminal for the iPhone. That means one could in theory run SSH. Awesome.

[Hat Tip: Gizmodo]

In The News

Who hacked Paris Hilton’s Sidekick?

A few months ago Paris Hilton‘s Sidekick got “Hacked’. Well not exactly. According to the hack itself it was obtained through social engineering. Other reports are that her sweet Tinkerbell was the key to her account (you can argue if that really is social engineering).

Now she’s apparently in a feud with Nicole Richie. One must ask if they are related. Typically when there’s a high profile hack like this, they find out the guilty party rather quickly. If for no other reason than to make an example out of them. It seems strange that nothing advanced and nothing else was said about this. I’d bet that if the password reminder story were true the case would be solved. Their system would definately log anyone who attempts to retrieve a password. So it would be a matter of following that trail of anonymous proxies. Something the feds have done many times before.

Of course it’s all speculation… but it’s sure interesting. I’d be willing to bet they know who did it by now. The question is why it wasn’t made public.

Anyway. The Simple Life without the both of them just won’t do well. Sorry Paris, but you won’t do to well on your own.