Quick Hack
Here’s a literally 2 minute hack for the Google Pac-Man tribute on the homepage right now to put your own face on Pac-Man (pardon my poor photoshopping):
To try it add the following bookmarklet to your browser by dragging the link below to your bookmark bar:
raccettura-ize pacman
Now go to Google and press “Insert Coin” to play the game. Once the game loads, run the bookmarklet by clicking on it.
Hack yourself into Pac-Man
Want to make your own? You likely have better photoshop skills than me. Download this image and replace the Pac-Man (and optionally MS. Pac-Man) images with ones of your own keeping the position and sizes the same. Save as a PNG with transparency. Then upload somewhere. Now make a bookmarklet that looks like this (replacing URL_TO_YOUR_IMAGE
with the URL of your image):
Now share with your friends.
Permanent Home
Google has now removed Pac-Man from the homepage but it can still be found here.
Edit [5/24/2010 @ 8:45 PM EST]: Added “Permanent Home”.