I’ve mentioned Phil Plait and his awesome Bad Astronomy blog a few times here over the past few years. Way back when (early last decade) we were using the same web host and support forum. He’s now getting his own show: Phil Plait’s Bad Universe on the Discovery Channel. I can also say that I […]
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Listen To The Space Shuttle Takeoff
This is an amazing video. You’ve likely seen video of the Space Shuttle takeoff. You’ve likely even seen video of takeoff from the view of the camera’s on the Space Shuttle’s 2 solid rocket boosters. This one is slightly different. Turn up your speakers and listen to this one. The folks at the legendary Skywalker […]
Russia’s War On 99942 Apophis
Back in 2004 I mentioned 99942 Aphophis, a near earth asteroid who was calculated to have a 1 in 37 (2.7%) chance of hitting earth in 2029. That was subsequently ruled a non-existent risk however if it passed through a gravitational keyhole in 2029 it would have a 1 in 250,000 chance in 2036 or […]
Godspeed Hubble
This video is the actual release of Hubble as well as the shuttle backing away from the Hubble telescope. It is best watched in HQ and Full Screen. It’s slightly shaky at times and a little long, but it’s got some great shots of Hubble up close. The Big Picture Blog also has a great […]
Flying Spaghetti Monster
How the universe was created. WHY YOU SHOULD CONVERT TO FLYING SPAGHETTI MONSTERISM Flimsy moral standards. Every Friday is a religious holiday. If your work/school objects to that, demand your religious beliefs are respected and threaten to call the ACLU. Our heaven is WAY better. We’ve got a Stripper Factory AND a Beer Volcano. Well, […]
Phil Plait On Retina Display Resolution
There has been some ongoing debate the past few days about if Apple’s new Retina display is really better than the human eye can detect. Some have even gone as far as calling it false marketing. Phil Plait, whose background includes calibrating a camera on board Hubble wrote a really great blog post that sides […]