Funny In The News

FedEx Furniture

FedEx Furniture is pretty cool. Strong furniture made out of those really strong FedEx boxes (great packages BTW as they ensure your package arrives in 1 piece. Leave it to them to get really upset about this free advertising.

Typically, if your company gets good free advertising about how great your product/service is, and fans doing eccentric stuff to show how great your stuff is: It’s a big win.

But to FedEx management, this isn’t the case. Positive press for solid packaging is a big problem. So the executives got together and got FedEx legal to harass the guy to ensure that FedEx gets some bad press (in hopes that things balance out).

Amazing how dumb some executives can be. They are handed some good free advertising, and intentionally create bad press in hopes of preventing good press. Yea, try that logic out.

Yup, that’s really going to help you out.

Brand Recognition folks. It’s insanely hard to get. Building it costs tons of cash, and rarely works out. FedEx has it, and has fans who encourage the brand and spread it for them. And FedEx is surprisingly against brand recognition. Amazing. There are thousands of companies across the US who would pay for that type of free press.



PostSecret may be the funniest blog I’ve ever seen. Some are brilliantly funny. I can see a book coming from that in the near future.

Hat tip: Scoble.

Apple Funny Tech (General)

Geek Comics

If your a nerd like me, you should be reading geek comics. My two favorites are:

The Joy of Tech
PC Weenies

both well done, current, and quite funny.

Funny In The News Programming

America’s Most Eligible Bachelor

According to this I’m potentially America’s Most Eligible Bachelor. I’m as nerdy as it gets. I’m writing this while taking a break from something that I was really enjoying: debugging a web app! Can you get any more nerdy?

Apparently that article hasn’t quite gotten around yet. πŸ˜‰

Funny Programming

I’m a geek

If your reading this blog, you already know that. Well, this blog post gave me a really good laugh [hat tip Photo Matt]. It describes me so well. I don’t have that many geeky shirts though as my Firefox shirt is about the only one decent enough to wear (though if you want to apply to advertise on my back, contact me, and send your company/product’s shirt, I’m always willing. Polo’s perfered, T-Shirts accepted). That really is a classic post. I really like #2 “Your body/sex appeal are nothing compared to the power of a processor”. Brilliant. So well written.

Funny In The News

Small weeners explained

If your mother looked like a pregant hooker, your likely to have a small weener. Or at least that’s what a new study [sell your soul registration] concludes.

Baby boys are far more likely to have smaller, less developed genitals if their mothers had high levels of chemicals commonly found in cosmetics, detergents, medicines and plastics, a study released Friday said.

So it’s not in relation to the size of the shoe, but the appearance of the mother during pregancy. Got it? Hot mom, little manhood.

Yea, this is silly weener humor, but face it: it’s funny. πŸ˜€

Some people are always finding new excuses. Now for the next study on why some female body parts are bigger than others. That’s where the real useful science comes in!

Funny In The News

Sarcasm Found

Considering I’m about the most sarcastic person you’ll ever meet in your entire life, I bet you won’t care about this.

I’m curious if that region in my brain is larger than normal.

Around The Web Funny

Crying While Eating

Yup, this is officially the end of the internet. Crying While Eating. So wacky and far out there, I really don’t get it. It’s somewhat funny, yet sobering at the same time. What will they think of next?

Funny Mozilla

Master I have mail for you

This has been my notification sound on my computer for a few years now when I have incoming mail in Thunderbird (about every minute). Yea it’s silly and rediculus, but you know something: I still find it funny after all this time. My computer is on mute 90% of the time anyway. Not sure were it’s from. Anyway, here it is:

[removed for now, until I fix the audio player]

Funny In The News

Chimp Paintings to be Auctioned

Congo the Chiimp’s Artwork to be auctioned.

Much better than lots of the stuff humans do.