I’ve mentioned the long fabled Google browser for ages now “googlefox” as it began. Some more interesting news came today regarding “Google Chrome“.
Some of the features touted by the comic include:
- faster – mentioned throughout via new js virtual machine (might be SquirrelFish) that’s potentially embeddable into other applications and using WebKit. Also multi-threaded.
- More Stable – Separate process for each tab means one page doesn’t crash the browser. Also more memory efficient in the long run since you’ll kill tabs that hog memory at some point.
- UI – UI is minimal, tabs contain the controls (tabs on outside), are detachable from the window, and similar to Prism can be minimal enough to make a web application feel like it’s not in a browser. Omnibox (awsomebar equivalent), auto complete only to what you’ve explicitly typed before, improved new tab screen (similar to others proposed and implemented).
- Secure – Sandboxes processes (sounds like the work from GreenBorder), plugins running in their own processes, phishing protection. Also has
pornprivacy mode. - Compatible – Based on WebKit, automated testing via “chrome bot” browsing pages, unit tested, fuzz tested.
- Google Gears Included – Includes Google Gears, which is downloadable for other browsers already.
Also interesting were some of the names mentioned in the comic. While long known a few Mozilla hackers went to Google, here’s a list that are mentioned in the comic: Darin Fisher, Ben Goodger, Brett Wilson (various Mozilla contributions via Google), Arnaud Weber (Netscape).
Check the comic for more details. This is pretty much the main info in there for those who don’t have the time to sift through it all.
Edit [9/1/2008 @ 6:23 PM EST]: Google Blog post.
Edit [9/1/2008 @ 7:45 PM EST]: John Lilly’s Thoughts on Chrome & More.
Edit [9/1/2008 @ 9:05 PM EST]: Apparently this was announced prematurely due to someone not realizing that it Labor Day isn’t in Germany. As a side note, how does one get on that mailing list?
Edit [9/2/2008 @ 8:55 AM EST]: Code should appear here.