General Personal

Windows Reinstall

If I appear unavailable for most of today and tomorrow it’s because I’m reinstalling Windows on my laptop. I think it’s time to invest in an external Hard Drive, and a copy of Norton Ghost so I can just backup an image every week, and if something goes wrong, just restore from the image. Actually, I’m pretty certain that’s what I’m going to do. Just a matter of getting around to it.

I have my Mac, so I’m still online, but since my windows system is a laptop, it’s my primary system (so I can take it with me). Email, and such are typically done on there. Hence I’m a bit unorganized until it’s stable again.

So pardon the slow replies over the next day or two.


Rebate Fraud

This seems to happen all to often, it’s rare you don’t get scammed with “rebates”. Samsung offered $50 rebate on certain LCD displays purchased between March 1, and April 30 2005. Mail in the rebate by May 31, 2005 with the UPC, receipt, etc. and you’ll collect.

Sent on 4/29 (according to Samsung). Card in the mail a few weeks later:

“Submission was postmarked after offer end date”.

Not that I didn’t expect this. There’s no such thing as just mail in something and get a check. You know they will reject it the first time around. So I called, they eventually checked my status… and oops, an “error” occured. We’ll put that back in que. Still no guarantee that it will go through, but at least I passed stage 1.

They figure if 25% give up after the first time, that’s 25% of rebates they don’t have to give out. Then figure in how many won’t even bother. That’s significant savings.

I really wish rebates were outlawed. Give the sales break up front. This is just wasting people’s time.

[/end rant]


Rob Talks Food: HoJo’s shutdown, Pizza

Fark just reminded me that the famous Howard Johnsons in Time Square (actually Broadway, 46th) is closing down. A good place for Apple Pie Alamode before a Yankee game. Or well, pretty much anything. Guess I’ll have to go here instead.

Speaking of food: Flipping channels during breakfast I stumbled on Ray Romano appearing on The Tony Danza Show (oh how I hate him). Anyway, Danza brought a few Pizza’s for Ray and Phil Rosenthal to pick from for the finale, since they need a good pizza. Of course when they relvealed the name of the winner, it was Lombardi’s. I’d say that’s a good call. Either that, or a sicilian from Spumoni Gardens.

In The News Mozilla Personal

Time Warner

Got 2 copies of the Time Warner letter regarding Identity Theft, presumably one as a dependant, and the other as a former temp for a subsidiary.

So they will monitor for 12 months (complementary) for fraud. Now if the data is stolen, don’t you think the theves will wait 12 months before using the data? It’s not like the move to monitor at no charge is done quietly, it’s been all over the news. Just wonder how stupid they could be (assuming it was stolen) to use it that quickly? Seems unlikely. Anyone to pull this off would be a little wiser than that (I would think).

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has gotten theirs now. There’s lots of Time Warner affiliated people around here. The company is so large it seems to employ everyone in one of their many subsidiaries. Any Netscape people get one yet?


Schools Out For Summer!

Well we got no choice
All the girls and boys
Makin all that noise
‘Cause they found new toys
Well we can’t salute ya
Can’t find a flag
If that don’t suit ya
That’s a drag

School’s out for summer
School’s out forever
School’s been blown to pieces

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher’s dirty looks

Well we got no class
And we got no principles (principals)
And we got no innocence
We can’t even think of a word that rhymes

School’s out for summer
School’s out forever
My school’s been blown to pieces

No more pencils
No more books
No more teacher’s dirty looks

Out for summer
Out ’til fall
We might not come back at all

School’s out forever
School’s out for summer
School’s out with fever
School’s out completely

Some TV, perhaps some food, packing/cleaning the few things in this dorm room. I’m tired. Kinda strange finishing on a Friday. Lots of people moved out already (mainly yesterday and this morning). I seem to be one of the last, though a few have finals through Monday. I think it’s going to be a rather lonely evening as it’s dead silent around here.

Personal Programming

A Boring Day

Spent most of the afternoon working on my Principles of System Design Project (crossing another off the todo list).

Also hacked up a really cool toy that you will see hopefully in the next couple of days.

Next up is a History of American Art paper.

Mozilla Personal

Fun with Todo Lists week of 10/11

Every so often it becomes necessary to make a todo list public so I actually feel motivated. Without further delay:

  • Finally write that cheesy International Business Paper (4 pages double spaced, on pretty much anything) [4/14/05]
  • Finally write that History of American Art Paper (no clue how long, more complex, and really boring)… this is long term, not this week.
  • Commit a few reporter patches (simplify UI, figure out the rest of localization/prefs)
  • Get Mozilla building on my Thinkpad… this has been the most frustrating experience ever [4/16/05]
  • Start work on a Prototype UI for my Principles of Systems Design Project… may be long term. [4/14/05]
  • Ping Asa for some icon love, and see if the last patch I’m working on will make mozPod 0.1 (yea, I’m late again). [4/14/05]
  • More work on project aquarius
  • Add Firefox counter to blog (added 4/14/2005) [4/14/05]
  • A special little project 😉 Those who know me well will be surprised I didn’t do this long ago. More info coming soon.
  • Another special little project (added 4/11/2005) [4/13/05]

Things are going to get busy

Just to give the heads up: finals are approaching, this means that my time is going to become more and more limited in the next few weeks. I highly recommend anyone who needs me for something start leaning a little bit now and make sure it’s on my radar… or you may be waiting on me.

This concludes this public service announcement.


Calendar Math

Just looked at my calendar. In 5 weeks finals are upon me. That means in 6 weeks. Summer is here!

Oh yea, Happy Easter.

Personal Programming

Paul Graham on College

Paul Graham, whose writing I greatly admire wrote an excellent bit on College recently. Being a college student myself, I found this to be by far the most interesting thing he’s ever written (and there’s quite a bit of competition there). A few things he wrote stick out in my mind:

The way to be good at programming is to work (a) a lot (b) on hard problems. And the way to make yourself work on hard problems is to work on some very engaging project.

Couldn’t agree more, and considering that I’m a geek, this one comes rather naturally. I didn’t need to make an effort to accomplish this one, it just happened for me. I guess that’s a good thing.

In fact, the amount of math you need as a CS major is a lot less than most university departments like to admit. I don’t think you need much more than high school math plus a few concepts from the theory of computation. (You have to know what an n^2 algorithm is if you want to avoid writing them.) Unless you’re planning to write math applications, of course. Robotics, for example, is all math.

Finally someone with credibility admits this one. One of the reasons I avoided the CS major was simply my dislike of math (and more importantly the dislike it has for me). It surprises people that I know how to program without a CS degree. It surprises people even more to know that I royally stink at math (just ask any former math teacher/professor I’ve had). Nobody believes that I can code because of this… well go figure I can.

The worthwhile departments, in my opinion, are math, the hard sciences, engineering, history (especially economic and social history, and the history of science), architecture, and the classics. A survey course in art history may be worthwhile. Modern literature is important, but the way to learn about it is just to read. I don’t know enough about music to say.

I agree with the one omission of a Business degree. It goes very well with a CS degree should you pursue one. Simply for the reason that just about whatever you do with your CS degree will take advantage (if not require) it. Take for example a corporate IT department. To advance, you’ll need a business background. A small company? You can bet a business degree will prove critical to your success. Startup? Hello, that is a business. Having a product is 10% of a successful company. The other 90% of it is a good business to support, continue, sell, market, manage that product. Take a look at the dot com bubble to see why Business ranks. To his credit he does mention economic history, which is also important. No matter what you’ll be involved in business if you want to succeed. Either with a startup, or with a corporation, understanding the business implications of decisions you make are essential to how you’ll be valued as an asset.

Of slightly less interest (at least right now) is the topic of Grad school, which I agree with. Though with a business degree, it has more merit than it likely will with a CS degree.

Overall a great (and recommended) read.