In The News Mozilla Personal

Time Warner

Got 2 copies of the Time Warner letter regarding Identity Theft, presumably one as a dependant, and the other as a former temp for a subsidiary.

So they will monitor for 12 months (complementary) for fraud. Now if the data is stolen, don’t you think the theves will wait 12 months before using the data? It’s not like the move to monitor at no charge is done quietly, it’s been all over the news. Just wonder how stupid they could be (assuming it was stolen) to use it that quickly? Seems unlikely. Anyone to pull this off would be a little wiser than that (I would think).

I’m sure I’m not the only one who has gotten theirs now. There’s lots of Time Warner affiliated people around here. The company is so large it seems to employ everyone in one of their many subsidiaries. Any Netscape people get one yet?

2 replies on “Time Warner”

I haven’t gotten mine yet, as a Netscape contractor for a year and then for AOL for 3 months 😉

In France, there used to be a 12 month period of checking for stolen bank checks. Of course, it wasn’t long before the crooks found out and just waited 12 month to use them.

But on the other hand, whilst it’s not nice to have you security number publicly diffused, I don’t believe there’s anything useful that can be done with it here. There’s no way anybody could get a credit on your name with only that info. I’m amazed by how little protection there is for such things in America. Just in line with the fact your banks stayed with magnetic credit cards, and never switched to smart cards.

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