
CmdrTaco On Data Collection

Rob “CmdrTaco” Malda, (of Slashdot fame), did an IAmA on Reddit. Overall interesting but this particular answer caught my attention. When asked “How do you see a company like Google using the data it collects, and specifically your interest in Google+?”:

Data is just data. When I ran Slashdot, I logged everything I practically could because without it, I couldn’t make informed decisions.

What corporations DO with that data will pretty much define the future of the internet. I don’t think people truly understand the implications.

The biggest databases- things like Facebook and Google could be used in so many awful ways. But I collected all the data I possibly could too, and I really tried to impress upon everyone I worked with the RESPONSIBILITY that this data entails. Like, just because you gave me your email address is not permission for me to sell it or spam you.

I hope that the giants play nicely. I want the cool shiny things they make… and I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt in most cases.

The only thing I disagree with is he didn’t mention anything about disclosing to users how that data is used and will be handled. Of course current privacy policies suck, they need to be easier to understand without having a law degree.


Thunderbird In Crisis? No

There’s some FUD going around that Thunderbird is in crisis (is Slashdot going to morph into a tabloid?). This is a bit over the top. Yes it’s true Scott and David announced they are leaving and moving on to something else. It’s a slightly different setup than was used for Firefox, but it’s just as promising. I’ve got confidence to say things will continue. There will be a transition period (just like there was when the Mozilla Foundation was formed). Different doesn’t mean something is dead. Remember the Netscape layoffs and the Death of Mozilla? Didn’t really harm the project. I’d say it helped. I won’t say anything more on the topic for the moment.

In The News

Hello Slashdotters

Well, I finally got one in.

Welcome, enjoy your stay.


Firefox freeze on Slashdot comments

I’ve noticed since Firefox 0.8, it sometimes goes to 99% CPU, and just seems to freeze when commenting on slashdot. I’m curious if anyone else has seen this, or has any idea what causes this.

I haven’t seen this every time either. I’m thinking it has something to do with the ad system on the site, but I can’t say that for sure. It’s been bothering me for some time, so any comments, or bug links (if someone pinpointed it already), would be really welcome.