
Seinfeld “Windows, Not Walls” Microsoft Deal

Jerry Seinfeld HeadshotThe big news today is that Jerry Seinfeld, whose show I’ve seen once or twice obsessively for over a decade signed a deal with Microsoft to do a “Windows, Not Walls” campaign according to WSJ.

Amusingly, Seinfeld for it’s entire run had a Mac in his TV apartment. Early on it looked like an SE/30 but later on it was a 20th Anniversary Mac. I’ve yet to find a full list of the Mac’s he owned, but I don’t think it’s a very long list. 3 or 4. Maybe I’ll compile it myself.

He was also in a special Think Different ad that was shown during the series finale (you can find it here).

Computerworld has a pretty funny blog post about it.

I wonder if Drew Carey will be next? He had a series of Mac’s up to the iMac G4 at work. Sarah Jessica Parker’s character Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City also was a big Mac user featuring a PowerBook on the show.

Photo: Alan Light