Around The Web Funny

Larry Eats A Pancake

Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee

Seinfeld’s new show is up. It’s short, but it’s pretty funny and has some potential. He has the perfect first guest. I’d love to see it uncensored and uncut.


Seinfeld “Windows, Not Walls” Microsoft Deal

Jerry Seinfeld HeadshotThe big news today is that Jerry Seinfeld, whose show I’ve seen once or twice obsessively for over a decade signed a deal with Microsoft to do a “Windows, Not Walls” campaign according to WSJ.

Amusingly, Seinfeld for it’s entire run had a Mac in his TV apartment. Early on it looked like an SE/30 but later on it was a 20th Anniversary Mac. I’ve yet to find a full list of the Mac’s he owned, but I don’t think it’s a very long list. 3 or 4. Maybe I’ll compile it myself.

He was also in a special Think Different ad that was shown during the series finale (you can find it here).

Computerworld has a pretty funny blog post about it.

I wonder if Drew Carey will be next? He had a series of Mac’s up to the iMac G4 at work. Sarah Jessica Parker’s character Carrie Bradshaw on Sex and the City also was a big Mac user featuring a PowerBook on the show.

Photo: Alan Light