
IBM Sales Stink

Just FYI, never expect anything you order from IBM to ship in a timely manner. Thursday morning aprox. 8:00 AM, I placed an order. 24 hours of Credit card processing, and it ships right? Well, it’s Monday, and they hope to ship today, or “at the latest” tomorrow. Then 3-5 day shipping.

Thankfully I didn’t waste money speeding up shipping, would still take forever.

My laptop was the same way, took forever just to get through credit card processing. It’s like they have 1 15 year old “cash intake engineer” sitting there doing all the billing.

You would think a computer company could get this done FAST?


Still Waiting

Still waiting for a new drive. Should arrive tomorrow, should be home to install it Wednesday Evening. Won’t have the IBM Adapter so I can get my data over for another few days though (perhaps Friday). So we shall see.

Let the silence begin again… warning, it may be harmful to your hearing.

Tech (General)

Food that delivers

Jesse Ruderman has an interesting solution for getting food in a dorm.

Sounds like a pretty cool company. Wonder if they will become more popular?

Correction: Not a dot com, but a major supermarket chain. Thanks Jesse Ruderman