
MSNBC Problems?

One of the biggest complaints by Firefox 1.5 users is that MSNBC has some issues. From what I’ve seen, it’s improved over the years, but there are still some strange things going on. I just found the following after hopping through a few pages (some box went over the news text).

MSNBC Misrendering

Some may remember in the past Microsoft accidentally had a bug and someone over there was able to fix it in about 2 days! Perhaps history can repeat itself. A few things requests here:

  1. Obviously, if you’re from Microsoft, and can pass along a note to the MSNBC webmasters, it would be appreciated. Feel free to contact me.
  2. That’s a pretty big list of issues. If anyone can consolidate into specific details the problems with MSNBC on Firefox, that would be awesome. Bonus points if you can even point to bad code.

At some point in the future, I hope to set things up so webmasters can easily monitor reports on their site (perhaps even email), and allow them to give us a contact, so we can let them know about issues even faster.

I have this feeling it’s somehow related to how/where ads are displayed on the page.

As always, help is appreciated.

4 replies on “MSNBC Problems?”

Well I’ll be damned! While I was typing my original (not posted) reply, they went and fix it! 😯

Part of the problem was width declarations for certain elements being larger than their containers. Part was the ugly table infested HTML.

I gotta start coding poorly. Maybe I can get paid!


MSNBC doesn’t update their comics & sudoku web page – sometimes for days at a time. It’s very annoying when I log on in the morning & see the same crossword, comics & sudoku after having already completed or read them the day before. I’ve contacted them in the past, but this doesn’t seem to be a priority for them. I know it’s not a big deal in the scheme of things, but when you are such a big company, I would think you would want to keep your readers, not send them to other web sites for content.

I always have weird issues with that site. It’s very unpredictable what’s going to work and what isn’t.

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