Open Source Programming

DBSlayer + Node.js

Lately it seems the rage among developers is to take node.js and combine it with something else unusual. So here’s my contribution.

DBSlayer is a project by NYTimes a few years ago that seems to be somewhat forgotten but is pretty cool. It’s another MySQL proxy, but with a slight twist. Rather than use a binary protocol, or XML, they went with JSON. It supports things like connection pooling, round-robin distribution to slaves, automatic fallover, and it’s mutithreaded. It’s pretty fast and easy to work with. It’s almost like turning a MySQL database into a REST API. You pass a SQL query as a query argument and it gives you a JSON response.

Once you start it you can do something query using a request like:


That will give you a JSON object containing the result of your query.

So doing that in node.js is roughly:

var SQL = ‘{"SQL":"SELECT * FROM facts WHERE id=7;"}’;
var HTTP = require(HTTP);
var client = HTTP.createClient(9090, ‘localhost’);
var request = client.request(‘GET’, ‘/db?’ + escape(SQL), {});
request.on(‘response’, function (response) {
  console.log(‘STATUS: ‘ + response.statusCode);
  console.log(‘HEADERS: ‘ + JSON.stringify(response.headers));
  response.on(‘data’, function (chunk) {
    console.log(‘BODY: ‘ + chunk);

Running that looks like this:

$ node test.js
HEADERS: {"date":"Fri, 27 May 2011 02:02:27 GMT","server":"dbslayer/beta-12","content-type":"text/plain; charset=utf-8","content-length":"290","connection":"close"}
BODY: {"RESULT" : {"HEADER" : ["id" , "fact" , "author" , "IP" , "timestamp"] , "ROWS" : [[7 , "1+1=2" , "raccettura" , "" , 123456]] , "TYPES" : ["MYSQL_TYPE_LONG" , "MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING" , "MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING" , "MYSQL_TYPE_VAR_STRING" , "MYSQL_TYPE_LONGLONG"]} , "SERVER" : "db"}

You could obviously clean that up and create a little library to hide the HTTP parts.

It’s an interesting JS centric way to abstract your database while maintaining SQL level control. JSON is becoming the new XML.

Google Web Development

Google Releases Protocol Buffers

Google today released Protocol Buffers. Protocol Buffers is their “language-neutral, platform-neutral, extensible mechanism for serializing structured data”. In general it’s pretty interesting stuff, and looking over the docs, seems pretty well thought out.

I agree XML is bulky and wasteful for the task. There’s a reason why many web developers prefer JSON rather than actual XML when using xmlHttpRequest: XML parsing can be a real performance killer. JSON in my mind is currently the winner in this department since it’s light weight, simple, and a can be interpreted by pretty much any language on the planet (may need to install a module, gem, extension, or include a class). The downside to JSON is that it doesn’t really allow you to define structure. JSON also is still not binary format, so you have a performance penalty to parse the string. The upside is that JSON is rather easy for humans to read (great for debugging). The NY Times even made a database abstraction layer called DBSlayer that interfaces using JSON.

Serialized PHP has become somewhat popular (Yahoo Developer Network API’s support it), but it’s language specific, though interpreters that can read/write it exist for other languages including Perl, Python and Java. It’s also somewhat complicated for what it provides. At a glance it’s a string of garbage until you break it down.

It looks like Google already has support for Java, Python, and C++. It’s only a matter of time before Perl, PHP, and Ruby get support for Protocol Buffers as well.

I could see Protocol Buffers being pretty useful in combination with Memcached.

It’s great to see Google open sourcing stuff like this.