
How To Improve The PC As A Gaming Platform

Bruno Ferreira wrote a good article on how to improve the PC as a gaming platform. As someone who is a PC gamer, I couldn’t agree more with what he says. It’s extremely difficult to build a system for PC gaming, and very difficult to buy games since the metrics used are so difficult to work with.

In my opinion once every 12-18 months the platform should create a new standard based on the latest and greatest. It’s assigned a number, likely the year. A software profiler would then establish what standard your computer meets. Don’t buy any game that exceeds that number. A game can support “minimum” and “optimal” but would just put the number below vs. spelling out all the specs. Profiler could then advise on how to upgrade. For example if you upgrade you’re weak GPU and add more RAM you’d meet the requirements for 2013. Or just leave it at 2012 standards if that’s good enough for your needs.


Restart Nostalgia

Restart Mac OS 7

For all of us who spent so much time restarting computers to diagnose them over the years, this page will bring back some of the “glory days”. Relive the restarts of all the popular OS’s and versions.

Hardware Programming

The PC Turns 25

The BBC has a little article on the Twenty Fifth Anniversary of the PC. What’s so scary is that despite being 22, I learned to program using BASIC on one of those monsters since my father had one during the earlier part of 90’s. Which means I’ve already been programming for more than 1/2 my life. Just a strange thought.