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Stacy’s Mom – Video of the Year

Seriously, bands need to start making entertaining video’s again. Lets face it, the mostly suck. Here’s one that kicks some serious butt:

Stacy’s Mom (Fountains of Wayne) (RealOne Player Required)

Now that’s some quality entertainment. Besides for the obvious reasons of enjoyment (lets face it, Stacy’s mom, aka Rachael Hunter is very good looking) it’s also a decent song… and a hysterical video. Just what the doctor ordered. Entertainment. Isn’t that the industry the Music business falls under?

Funny video throughout, very well done… great ending as well πŸ™‚

That’s a quality video. Lets see more of those.

896 replies on “Stacy’s Mom – Video of the Year”

Yes he’s still a virgin . hes 18 , i know all u think he souldn’t be a virgin or thats werid but he doesnt want to hav it before hes married .

Yea hes a jew and when he was little he wasnt really that cute well he was cute but now hes hotter . Howd u know he was a jew ?

Hey a lot has happened I was in school and couldn’t come to the computer well, See ya!! e-mail me and also Hi Isabella

1st Shane your lucky as hell dood 2nd who gives a rats *** if he is jewish or german or polish he rocks! hey he dont look like a monkey so quit talking S%#@!

okay…i would just like to say that people who are badmouthing shane and posing as him are SICK SICK SICK!!!and so are people who say “oh,IM shanes gf!!!”and “ohshane is mine” and stuff like that are sick too!!!i mean,IM a HUGE fan of shane…but IM not THAT obbsessed.
something should be done about all this someone said in an earlier post maybe if we stopped talking bad about him his mom would actually let him READ the posts!!!
okay,enough of being lil miss tough all the people on this board that are actually FANS of shane,i just want to say that you rock.and to the ones who say you know him…IF you do…you rock too.if you see him again soon tell him my IM and email
you rock shane!!!

by the way,can someone tell me what happened in law and order-svu and at the end of stacys mom?ive never seen either one of them.but ive heard people talk about the end of stacys mom like it was gross or weird or funny.
if you can tell me,email me.
you rock shane!!!

is this a “dead site?”j/w
if u can answer this please email me!
you rock shane!!!

Shane is going to be recurring on Everwood on the WB, he is shooting in Utah, and if you want to know more about what is going on in his career check out, it is always updated

dat boi iz f***** hot and who carez about her mom were der waz stacey all along!!!! i sao wish i waz stacy gettin 2 look at him in person!!!ha! ha!

shane is sooooo hot!!!!IM not gonna cuss bc IM cousin doesnt either and i d am a christian.all of you that cuss i wanna give you ALL a message.dont cuss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bye th way shanes hot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey cuz!!!Welcome to the boards!!!
Way to tell’em about the no-cussing thing!!!But,trust me…it probably won’t work.I’ve seen other people try to get them to stop.

I thought this was a shane site there for a while you all started talking about ricky and the poser wat is the big deal you need girls go find them somewhere else because you wont get them here they all think you stink and why all of a sudden did you stop posing huh?

Hi Shane,
My names jessica IM 15. I just wanted to say that i think your really cute nd that i wish u luck in your acting career. Everyone thats being mean to him nd like saying bad things about him can u stop. IM sure he wouldnt appreciate it.

Always, Jess 8(l) haha its a monkey

hi. i dont really know why IM posting cuz this is a nast bored but i guess i wanted to say hi to everyone including shane if he comes on.hi. bye.

heyy guys me and my twin sister kate wanted to say hi and she already said hi but anywayzz i gotta go.

Hey everyone! This is Shane,
you guys know me from Stacys mom video.
I appreciate all the comments here! Thanks guys!
Anyways, I just want to say that I’ve got a
fansite up now, maybe you all could sign my
guest book and stuff like that? Anyways-here it is!! IM out. Laters!


Hey Imposter I have a good number for you to call, it is


Have a nice day. πŸ™‚

[Edit: Admin 11-06-2004]

heyy you guys are really mean you know that? why start fights with everyone? we dont even know eachother and everyone is already starting fights about shane well i have to o but cut the **** its getting outta hand!

lol r u all American? cos if so den IM the only one whos not πŸ˜€ Anywayz IM just gonna say hi!
Nice knowing ya, Bye! xx
P.s. ure r all a bit obsessed!

i asked shane if he ever came to this website he said no so i told him to go on this website he lookedat the beggning he hated it now plz just say nice things not just omg shane u r so hoot i wish i could marry u or ask him personal quetions just say something nice nothing mean like what i just gave for an example

No duh thats a poser Shane is one of my friends . This bored is so *** talking about him like this , if you want IM me at fireydreams2004

[Edit: Admin 11-06-2004]

Can the posers come back i thought it was funny when Isabella started fighting with ricky ullman’s poser



wow josh we just want to know things about shane that is what this website is and we are sorry that you feel the way you do.

heyy you seem to know a lot of stuff about shane thats prety cool but…how do you know it all? not like its any of our business but we would like to know.

Hey Kate and Becky…’s ok to ask how i know….I’m involved in his career and just want to share real facts about him since he is a rising star. it’s too bad.. all the posers and the trash that visit this sightl….just want to keep it clean and factual….thanks for your positive support !

yes i agree with you shanefan these people have no reason to talk about shane like that. Besides…the people that talk bad about him probably dont even know him. i am a fan of shanes too and i came to see what other people think about him an i also came to put in a few nice words but then i saw what these people say and it makes me really mad!

quincy that was eally not nice you have a bad mouth do you kiss your mom with that mouth? eat SOAP!!!
now lets try and be a little nicer by taking deep breathing exercises now…breath in……breath out….breath in and so on. now how do you feel? i hope much better:)

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