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Stacy’s Mom – Video of the Year

Seriously, bands need to start making entertaining video’s again. Lets face it, the mostly suck. Here’s one that kicks some serious butt:

Stacy’s Mom (Fountains of Wayne) (RealOne Player Required)

Now that’s some quality entertainment. Besides for the obvious reasons of enjoyment (lets face it, Stacy’s mom, aka Rachael Hunter is very good looking) it’s also a decent song… and a hysterical video. Just what the doctor ordered. Entertainment. Isn’t that the industry the Music business falls under?

Funny video throughout, very well done… great ending as well πŸ™‚

That’s a quality video. Lets see more of those.

896 replies on “Stacy’s Mom – Video of the Year”

Hi Camile Shanes mom is strich . Well what if everyone stops swearing on here will that do any good?

Yeah, you have to admit, the work of a poser works. It gives them attention. AND, you notice, after their caught, it gives them even more attention. But, what they do is still wrong, and thank god, it backfires easlily, which is good so they don’t fool ppl too much.

yea. hey chrissy!
do u mean if everyone stops swearing on here then u think shane wil come? i dont know, if i ask him i know what the answer will be. no. his mom is too strict to let him come here

ye, she is.
i cannot force her to let shane come here, even if u really want him too.
yes. the answer is yes. IM pretty sure, if they havent told me or anything

Personally, I don’t really care. Did you notice that since the posers left, it’s been running smoothly?

ya! IM glad all those posers left! now everyone is getting along. maybe later if i see shane i can ask him a few questions for u guys.

yeah, i’m bored. i have nothing to do, except email my friend. which, i might add, isn’t going too well πŸ™

we’ve just been arguing a lot for some reason (off day, maybe?) and i don’t want her to get mad at me and not come to my party (my birthday is on the tenth)

Thanks. Nothing special, really though. I’m just going to go see a movie with my best friend, my mom, and (unfortunatly) my sister. It isn’t really a movie i want to see (i saw it already!) but its the only good one thats in our 6-screens theater. I live in a small town.

but, good thing is, later on i get to go shopping! what good is it, though, when my school wears uniforms? lol

All the people who know Shane r being so nice.Now this is like a chat room .LOL . So how is it knowing Shane

Can u guys tell me some more things bout Shane . I think thats how close i’ll be able 2 know him

well maybe later i can ask him some questions for u guys! so ask away! but dont ask personal questions. like whats his number oe anything. and shane doesnt go on the computer alot. his mom keeps a close eye on him… she is very strict

your welcome, mercutioluvsme!
yea, you already know about shane, isabella. i tell u through e-mail. LOL!
no, he dosent go on the computer alot. his mom is very strict about what he does.

Camile (and/or that other girl) would you email me? i’d like to talk to you. besides, i like email better than message boards

Yeah, it’s Sacha, but I go by Sasha cuz it’s easier to pronounce! πŸ˜‰ anyway, the other girl i don’t know the name too lol, i’ll email you in a sec, k?

Yeah, it’s Sacha, but I go by Sasha cuz it’s easier to pronounce! πŸ˜‰ anyway, the other girl i don’t know the name too lol, i’ll email you in a sec, k? oh, and thanks Camile!

hey! i didnt get another e-mail from ya! πŸ˜› lol thats okay! =) i’ll wait! LOL! sorry IM very bored!! πŸ˜›

ok i emailed you. it might not have worked tho. sometimes it doesn’t work right when i send lots of emails in one day. I talked to my best friend Lacey for two hours nonstop this morning. did it send?

I’m so hyper right now…i don’t know why. I haven’t even had any soda today! besides, only Mountain Dew makes me hyper…my teacher once made me tell her everything I had eaten because i wouldn’t stop talking! turns out it was the mountain dew…okay i’m talking too much, i’m shutting up now.

LOL! that just tooo silly!!!!!! lol! your like me!!! IM hyper, lol!!! well most of the time! πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰

awesome! i love hyper people! it makes me feel like i’m not as talkative…lol πŸ™‚

that one girl i don’t remember your name, are you still there? i’m talking about that ilovexxshanehaboucha. i don’t know ur name!

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