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Stacy’s Mom – Video of the Year

Seriously, bands need to start making entertaining video’s again. Lets face it, the mostly suck. Here’s one that kicks some serious butt:

Stacy’s Mom (Fountains of Wayne) (RealOne Player Required)

Now that’s some quality entertainment. Besides for the obvious reasons of enjoyment (lets face it, Stacy’s mom, aka Rachael Hunter is very good looking) it’s also a decent song… and a hysterical video. Just what the doctor ordered. Entertainment. Isn’t that the industry the Music business falls under?

Funny video throughout, very well done… great ending as well πŸ™‚

That’s a quality video. Lets see more of those.

896 replies on “Stacy’s Mom – Video of the Year”

Ok OK….. I will give up on the undie questions but it was just a teen fetish i had “Boxers”… but when will your site be up…. If it was the real Shane

heya! sorry I logged offline for a while. yes I am Camile.
Thanks! Isabella is real nice and so are u!

Cause she my aunt and shes at my house and i changed my email adress 3 times today.And i cant give out my Aunt Sarahs email adress so she used mine .

Thank-you 4 givin up the underwear question.And Shane if you look at this IM the one who got her to stop askin bout the underwear question.So cani hav a thank-you and if you really say thank-u sign it 2 Isabella . THANK-YOU bi

Okay. I would have to say, you have guts, telling Shane to tell you thank you. I was earlier thinking of telling Ricky the same thing, because I complemented him of being a loyal friend, and it took him FOREVER to notice or something.

Hi everyone.
I’m pretty sure I’ll have an official website.
We’re just trying to sort of stuff here.


Hi Shane . IM sorry if i acted rude before .It’s a stupid reson. But IM really sorry. Thanks

I guess we just have to believe them or not believe them…personally, I don’t think it matters cuz I’d treat them normally anyway.

alrite, its time to settle this. no, that was NOT shane. shane is one of my good friends. now shane’s mother is very strict. she probally wouldnt allow him to come on the computer and reply to all this ****. lastnight, shane was playing in his frontyard. so i walked over. he was playing frisbee with his bro. so after a while i asked him, “do you go to a site called funwith wordage or w/e?” and he asked me. no whats is is? so see u guys, SHANE DOES NOT COME HERE. so if u guys have any questions, feel free to e-mail me. i can maybe get shane to come over and answer A FEW. i dont want to bug him. thanks! =)

the correct grammar would be “They are all” or “they’re all”

Uhh. if Ricky posted here he would not say “**** pot”
Their all posers! dont believe them, Shane does NOT go here!
His mom is to strict to let him see all this ****.

Yes I do.
He lives kinda near me,
so whenever I have freetime I go over to say hi.
What street do you live on?
You might live on my street and I might not know! πŸ˜‰

really?!?! how awsome! i live across the street from him! e-mail me cuz i dont wanna say the name of my street or shanes. ( cuz its the same )

Okay, yea same here.
I live a few houses down from him.
and i wouldnt liek it if people went and stalker him. lol.

. i knew all along it was a poser but i nevr stopped it cuz i wanted to see wat they’d do next.

ya, i knew it all along it wasnt them, i waited to see wat they’d do next.
and i know for a fact shane dosent come here. his mom is way to strict to let him come to a message board like this with all this cussing. no no no his mom wouldnt let him.

true. they do. they prolly just do it because it’s funner messing with ppl than sitting on their butts all day doing nothing.

Ok we caught you so stop posing .Please none of us care it the real Shane goes on here . Don’t get ur hopes u pif ur posin’

Sry IM not talkin to anyone hoo knows Shane . IM talkin to the people hoo think there him.In case u thought i meant u Camile . Sry

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