
Using Stuffit on Jar Files

For those who prefer Aladdin Stuffit on Windows, here some tips:

The following registry key will associate .jar files to that you can expand them with ease. A nice trick to have.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"CONTENT TYPE"="application/x-stuffit"




Provided at your own risk.

Save the contents into a text file with the extension .reg. Then open it.

You can also go into the preferences and save without compression. Then just right click, and zip.


Removing AIM Today

Since upgrading to the latest AIM Beta (Which is pretty decent), one of the most annoying things is that AIM Today (that annoying popup ad when you sign on), always appears. No way to turn it off anymore.

Daniel Glazman notes that you can turn it off via the registry. To clarify his directions for those not to familiar with Regedit, you basically need the following:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareAmerica OnlineAOL Instant Messenger (TM)CurrentVersionUsersYOURSCREENNAMEHEREMisc]

Save the above code snippet to a text file and name is aimtoday.reg

Remember to replace YOURSCREENNAME with your actual screenname.

Double click on the file, and add to registry when prompted. Quit and restart AIM.

This is of course AT YOUR OWN RISK. But it works!

Thanks to Daniel Glazman for the great tip.