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The Goonies Deleted Scenes And Alternate Ending

The Goonies Squid

Those from my generation will obviously remember The Goonies. For those who aren’t, you should know it is still occasionally shown on cable TV. Apparently they did a 25th anniversary reunion. As a bonus some cut scenes are coming out, including one with this terrible mechanical octopus.

I’m glad that never made the final cut.


Man Busted for “Octopus Porn”

A few years ago I ran across an amusing story that described Octopus reproduction, years later, that blog post brings up a decent amount of traffic (as well as some bizarre search queries). For those who find the idea of octopus porn amusing, you’ll enjoy this one from The Sun.

He also got busted for Tiger porn. When asked by the judge if he wanted to make a statement regarding the material, he responded “They’re ggggrrrreat!”.


Octopus Sex Stories

Oh boy. Leave it to the Associated Press to write an article so great. Reads like a porno for the blind.

Some steamy excerpts:

Aquarists at the Alaska SeaLife Center introduced the 5-year-old J-1 to Aurora on Tuesday morning. The two really hit it off. Spermatophores were seen hanging from J-1’s siphon….

Now doesn’t that bring a great image to mind?

With so little time left, J-1 wasn’t going to let the sweet Aurora slip through his eight octopus arms. While she had to make the first move, he caught on quickly…

Mmm, that’s great stuff.

She reached out an arm and touched him. Only then did he wake up to the fact he had company….

Can you hear the music in the background?

The two remained intertwined for about eight hours. It’s possible that during that time when J-1 was exploring Aurora’s mantle with his many suckered arms that he passed his sperm packet to her, Hocking said….

8hrs! Way to go J-1. And who said you old guys needed viagra?

Yea, that’s quite erotic.

Yes, I did enjoy it. I got a great laugh, and did learn a think or two about octopus. So the author did do a great job. But I couldn’t help but get a good chuckle. 😀