In The News

Littoral Combat Ship Problems

Interesting read on Gizmodo on the shortcomings of the Littoral combat ship:

It’s bad enough that the Navy’s newest ship has had wicked problems with corrosion, missed out on the latest naval wartime missions and is generally something of a Frankenstein’s monster. Now the Pentagon’s top weapons tester has found problems with its abilities to find and withstand mines – which is a big problem for a ship that’s supposed to be the Navy’s minehunter of the future.

Since it floats (until it corrodes) we’ll call it a time limited beta. Sounds like there’s a lot of work that needs to still be done here.

In The News Politics

USS Jimmy Carter codenamed Richard Nixon?

Well, we all know trans-atlantic data isn’t exactly secure. But now we know the USS Jimmy Carter can be used to intercept data along those under water cables. The new submarine can provide another gated level of security for the intelligence community.

Why they didn’t name it the USS Richard Nixon? I’m not really sure. Sure would be more appropriate. Not to mention a ship being named after a Democrat with Republicans controlling all branches of government, is slightly unusual.