I’m working on a new Content Management system for MacVillage.net. To enhance it’s capabilities, I am turning to Midas.
A perfect time to give a little edge to Mozilla users 🙂
I’ve been looking into this some info a bit. Sadly, there isn’t a ton of good documentation on it for a webmaster right now.
I have a basic HTML form right now. Can anyone provide some insight on how one could take a regular form (such as this forum here), and implement midas, so that the value sent to the server is the rich goodness of midas?
I’m pretty pretty much looking for a drop replacement for a text field in a HTML form. Note there should be a fallback to an equivalent, or plain text field for any browser that doesn’t support Midas.
Comments or Email is of course open.
I think this will be a nice reason for people to use Mozilla.