Google Mozilla

Google Chrome Promoted On Homepage

Google Chrome Promoted On

Google is now promoting Google Chrome on it’s homepage. Just a few days after release. Previously Firefox 2.0 was promoted on the homepage, a privilege normally reserved for Google products. The text link is a bit more subtle though. Maybe that’s because it’s beta and not 2.0.

It’s being shown to Firefox Safari and IE users. Interestingly it’s being shown to Mac users in addition to Windows users, despite no Mac support as of yet.


Firefox 2.0 is out

Firefox 2.0 is out. If you haven’t already, go download, and while your at it, check out the new design (I love how the color scheme matches the logo, and still manages to look really great). If you already have it, then check here for more things to do regarding celebrating 2.0. Even Microsoft got in on the party (raising the question browser wars? Or the rebirth of browser innovation?).

There are some great things for end users, and a few things for webmasters looking to enhance their site experience for Firefox users (Live Titles for example).

In the hustle of thanking the developers, don’t forget the sysadmins and the build team, whose work often goes unnoticed unless things go wrong.