Mark Pilgrim has a great picture of the top laptops on right now. What I found interesting is that the first Windows laptop is #6 (and no it’s not running an Intel), The #1 and #2 goes to Mac OS X and Linux.
- Apple Macbook 13″ (2.4GHz)
- Asus Eee 4G 7″ (900MHz)
- Asus Eee 4G Surf 7″ (800MHz)
- Apple Macbook 13″ (2.4GHz)
- Apple Macbook 13″ (2GHz)
- HP Pavilion DV2740SE 14.1″ (2Ghz AMD Turion 64 X 2)
Taking a look at the competition it’s pretty clear why. The Times They Are A-Changin’.
That new 9″ Asus Eee looks pretty nice. What would be ideal is if they made the 7″ with a higher resolution and kept the price the same. 9″ is a little large for this class of mobile computing.