Programming Web Development

Neet little effect and other html related goodness.

This little effect seems pretty cool. I think I’m going to have to try implementing it on the new design soon.

So far all is well with the new design. Tested in the following browsers:

  • IE 5.5 Windows
  • IE 6 Windows
  • IE 5 Mac
  • Netscape 4 Mac
  • Netscape 4 Windows
  • Mozilla 1.x/Derivatives
  • Safari
  • OmniWeb
  • iCab
  • Opera

All browsers render the site properly. Amazing what some valid HTML does.

Over the next few days I will try and consolidate some code a bit, as well as implement the design on the remaining pages.


Updating Layout…

Still working on the new design a bit. The home page is more or less done. Some tweeks and changes still needed. As well as getting it to validate properly.

I hope to have that done within the next few days. (if all goes according to plan). Follow this link To see if I’m at my goal yet.

New design scales very nicely. Try shrinking the window. You can get real small… and it still looks nice.

Also making use of several different usability components to make the site more intuitive and easier to navigate. If you can’t figure out what’s changed… but can easily use the site. Then it’s working well!


Updating Blog

I’m redoing this blog. It will finally be HTML 4.01 transitional compliant (not yet compliant… but getting close). Also will render properly in all browsers. Please pardon the terrible appearance over the next few days as I finish the design. Implement it. And debug it.


wml is a real pain in the nuts

WML can be a real pain in the nuts. I still can’t get forms going right. At least programming for the Palm OS, and other small screen HTML capable devices will be a piece of cake.

Thankfully the authentication system is a lot cleaner now. If it wasn’t this would be a disaster. I still know there is some code cleanup to do, but that can be done after MV 4.0 launches. Get rid of those bloated function, and have some clean code.

Ugh! WML is a pain in the nuts.

On the plus side, 4.0 will require authentication (must have a free account) to use it, and the T68i, as well as other “strict” devices will now function/function properly. Rather than mess up, or generate errors.


SAproxy for OS X

Well, it’s going to happen. I decided that Mac OS X could use a good Spam Filter, and SpamAssassin is the way to go. I have it running on my system now. I hope to have it packaged for easy installation sometime soon. Perhaps shortly after finals end.

Perhaps after get a little Coca UI going so that we can configure that bad boy via System Prefs?

Will either most likely be distributed through Accettura Software. Of course it will be free, and bugs kept in SA’s bugzilla.

Of course this is all random thoughts, nothing is final… but at least there is a good chance Mac Users can appreciate the power of SpamAssassin.


MailHID Almost Ready

Well, for weeks (read: months) I have been working in my spare time on MailHID, a PHP class for obscuring email addresses. Despite a few lingering bugs, mostly with CC, BCC support, auto-learn, and Spam Bot Checking, I am just about ready to go with it. I had a test implementation on this site before I started the blog.

I think by next week (or the week after), I should be at the point where I can start implementing it on, Accettura Media, and this blog. Will be nice to keep spammers at bay, and still have my email address posted. Reminds me of the mid 90’s.