I butchered it tonight when upgrading. Decided to clean out some plugins I didn’t use. And it got really messy. It should be mostly restored. Damn I hate making mistakes.
This blog
I butchered it tonight when upgrading. Decided to clean out some plugins I didn’t use. And it got really messy. It should be mostly restored. Damn I hate making mistakes.
The Fourth Annual Weblog Awards are going on.
I won’t put a shameless plug here, but remember who informed you about the awards going on.
I’m now trading on BlogShares (see Site Information on the bottom left for more information).
Currently at 15.44! That’s not to bad.
Lets get the stock up. Buy Buy Buy π
And no insider trading!
For the sake of finishing off the blog a bit more, smilies are now installed π
Horray for smilies π
I’m getting a little better with blogging. A whole week of daily wordage. That’s not bad.
Soon they will stop being so shallow, and be more technical about stuff like XML, XUL, HTML, CSS, AppleScript, Perl, PHP, and cool protocols like HTTP 1.1, POP3, SMTP, FTP, SSH, TCP/IP, and such… boy do I work with a lot of acronyms on a daily basis π
Anyways… bed time.
wordage n.
- Words considered as a group.
- The use of an excessive number of words; verbiage.
- The number of words used, as in a novel.
- Wording.
Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition
Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.
and you can use that link to validate it yourself. The Dictionary.com folks (American Heritage) are pretty reputable.
It’s official, the name of the site is “Fun With Wordage”, rather than the generic “Robert Accettura’s Fan Site” which was boring.
Also new is more quotes (and hopefully less redundancy). Will be adding more good quotes in the near future.
I got around to modifying the “What’s playing” (left of the page). It now makes links out of the songs that have/are playing. Hopefully later today I will break it up so that the artist name becomes the search term (that should be much more accurate). Of course buying the song makes me some $$$, so by music!
I finally got around to starting a blog. A place to rant, flame, panic, annoy, pester, bother, and whatever else I want. I’m sure from time to time I will post something useful, but don’t count on it becoming a daily thing.
I know my spelling and grammar is honorific, so if you find an error, send an email to devnull@accettura.com (in case you don’t realize, that’s going strait to the gutter).
I know the design is “out of the box” right now. Don’t worry, it will get customized as time goes on. It’s almost time for the Simpsons, so don’t think it will happen tonight, or this week. But it will eventually happen…. Perhaps. Not feeling great right now. So off to sit in front of the TV.