
Third-Party Lightning Cables

Griffin wins for being the first real third-party lightning cables. It won’t be too much longer before we’ll see cheaper cables coming about and more variety.


Introducing: LCS – Least Crappy Solution

I’d like to propose a new term for everyone in engineering and computer science professions to adopt:

— abbreviation for Least Crappy Solution

  1. A solution or answer that was selected not because it met all requirements but because it was the option that was the least offensive or subject to the least amount of failure.

Lets be honest, it’s a pretty common thing we all talk about and deal with. So lets just coin this term and simplify things. We’re constantly forced to decide between bad options, yet we don’t seem to have a great term for it. You can just say the abbreviation and it will be obvious to all regarding what it’s about.

So lets go ahead and spread the word. LCS means “least crappy solution” and is perfect, or should I say the LCS to referrer to this situation.

Audio/Video Funny

How Not To Kill A Spider

Brass Knuckles Spider Kill

If you ever had the idea of using brass knuckles to kill a spider, watch this video and learn a lesson.


Hot Dog With Toothpaste

Hotdog Toothpaste

I’m pretty sure this is the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen on the internet, and we all know I’ve seen pretty much every sick meme to ever cross the internet.

Apple Google

Letterboxed iPhone 5 Apps Update

Earlier this month I complained about how annoying letterboxed iPhone apps are on the iPhone 5 since it shifts the keyboard. The one I used as an example was Google Voice, which has now updated. I thought it was worth mentioning since I did call them out explicitly on it as a shining example of this. Kudos to Google.




Yet another shot of a canal, never get tired of em’. Pretty sure this is Haarlem, but don’t recall 100% for sure.


Amsterdam Street

Amsterdam Street

While walking down the street in Amsterdam on Saturday.


Haarlem Pano

Haarlem Panorama

I was playing around with my phone and was curious how well the panorama feature worked at night, which is typically pretty hard to stitch. Answer is: works pretty good.

Internet Tech (General)

NTP Server Reverts to 2000

From the ISC Diary:

A few people have written in within the past 18 hours about their NTP server/clients getting set to the year 2000. The cause of this behavior is that an NTP server at the US Naval Observatory (pretty much the authoritative time source in the US) was rebooted and somehow reverted to the year 2000. This, then, [propagated] out for a limited time and downstream time sources also got this value. It’s a transient problem and should already be rectified. Not much really to report except an error at the top of the food chain causing problems to the layers below. If you have a problem, just fix the year or resync your NTP server.

Doesn’t look like this impacted me at all, if it did logs and graphs would look funny. This however is quite freaky. Curious if this had any bigger impacts like financial transactions. You would think they would have some sort of check for strange NTP updates as a clock drift of 12 years is out of the ordinary, but anything is possible.

I’d also be curious to know how that server reverted to the year 2000. Perhaps it was something as simple as the CMOS battery died.

Around The Web Audio/Video

Salvador Dalí Explains His Famous Mustache

Salvador Dali Mustache TV game show

Even if you were never curious about Salvador Dalí’s mustache, it’s still interesting to know about it from the man himself. I had no idea this video existed until today. The Name’s The Same is apparently a game show that aired between 1951 – 1955 on ABC.

Via: Open Culture