Woke up this morning, went to my Enterprise Computing class (an amusingly basic programming class I was encouraged to take because it’s VisualBasic .NET), to do this silly problem where using a loop calculate how long it would take to pay for payment
making wage
per hour:
Private Sub btnCalculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCalculate.Click
‘ Declarations
Dim payment, wage, totalWage, hours As Single
‘ Get input
payment = Val(txtPayment.Text)
wage = Val(txtWage.Text)
‘ Do the magic
hours = 0
totalWage = 0
Do While (totalWage < payment)
totalWage += wage
hours += 1
‘ Print the result
lblResult.Text = hours
End Sub
Yea, I feel really good. And yes, that’s supposed to be a loop. 😀 Well worth getting out of bed ;-). Got a good laugh out of coming to class to see that as the lab.