
Announcement: reporter-test shutdown for upgrade

In the very near future (perhaps as early as tonight), I will be shutting down the current reporter-test website for large upgrades. The upgrades are rather signifigant. I haven’t decided on a date/time. So anyone who wants to test and toy around should do so, and send comments to me ASAP.

since we are using test data, I will be wiping the database as well. the new version will capture more data. I want to test queries will all the data possible. We will drop data again before we launch the official instance of reporter. This is test data.

Those who installed the extension

You will need to uninstall it, and upgrade. the current extension will not work with the new version, a newer version will be needed. Autoupdate is not working on that extension, so you will not be notified. Please pass this message around if you know

request for help

I want to get SeaMonkey working with the same XPI. Does anyone know how to do overlay’s for multiple products? Is there anything I should be aware of (other than the EM API)? Please leave a comment or drop me a line.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback so far. Lots of changes have been made. Hence some serious upgrading is needed.

1 reply on “Announcement: reporter-test shutdown for upgrade”

Making one XPI work for multiple products is easy.
Just look at how QuickNote is done, it works in TB/FX and the Suite.

Just package both a install.rdf and install.js, and make sure you are overlaying the correct XUL files in the content.rdf and viola!

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