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Gmail invites

I’ve got Gmail invites still. Priority goes to Mozilla community members. If I’ve seen your name around, you’ve got a higher chance. So post a comment here with your name and email address (no anti-spam garbage, or I’m skipping it, the blog will do some minor obscuring).

Even higher priority goes for those who join through my referal link, and complete an offer. πŸ˜‰ Still trying to find out if it’s the real deal. Try AOL for 30 days (hey, they did give Mozilla Foundation $2 million). There several other easy little offers. Then cancel during the free trial to avoid having to pay for the service if you don’t like it. Use the same address to signup, so I know who you are.

So if you don’t have a Gmail address yet, this is an easy way to get it. Priority offer is as follows:

  • signups who complete an offer (use an ‘instant offer’ for even quicker gratification).
  • Mozilla community members.

Do both and increase your chances.

If I get more invites, I’ll just attack this list for a little bit, before making a new post with a new contest for gmail invites.

So go ahead and get busy.

11 replies on “Gmail invites”

I have been dying for a Gmail account. I would use you as my referrer for a free pod, but I am already registered there.

Sorry I can’t help you out on that front, but I hope you can see past that when making a decision on the gmail front. πŸ™‚

Good luck on the referrals though. I am trying too and it’s hard work.



Kind;y forward me one Gmail account, I use Firefox and Opera, both.



From India

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