
Miss America’s answer could win a Gmail account

In the spirit of America’s favorite beauty pageant:

If I had a million dollars, I would ________________

Best 2 answers get a Gmail Account. Leave a comment with your real name/email to win.

3 replies on “Miss America’s answer could win a Gmail account”

Hold a Mozilla or Firefox contribution contest every week.

* Report the most bugs.
* Testcase the most bugs.
* Confirm the most bugs.
* Confirm the most bugs reported during that week.
* Find the most security holes or the most serious security hole.
* Convert the most users to a Gecko browser.
* Fix the most Firefox bugs.
* Do the most damage to your choice of Tp, Ts, Txul, or download size. (This would be a month-long contest, not a week-long contest.)
* Create a cool XUL application or XUL web page.

The first prize each week would be a t-shirt and a check for $655.36. The second prize would be a t-shirt and a check for $327.68, and so on.

buy myself a life.

(By life, I mean one where spending approximately 10 minutes answering a question on a stranger’s blog for an ostensibly free email account is NOT seen as a valid way to spend part of my Saturday.)

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