
Mac OS X Address Book for Thunderbird

It should be great to read the Mac OS X Address Book from within Mozilla/Thunderbird. This patch is really a big leap for Mac OS X Thunderbird users. Thunderbird so far hasn’t had many of the integration features for the Mac like it has for the PC (mainly MAPI). So this is a big step on bringing it up to that level for the Mac.

What would be great is if we can get Sunbird, Camino and Firefox to start leveraging some of iSync’s power. Perhaps I’m dreaming, but it’s a sweet dream.

But for that we need Apple to release a SDK for iSync. Come on Apple!!! Someone should really start a campaign on this one. Would be nice to have the ability for third parties to write drivers for phones, web browsers, and other software to patch into the system.

On a sidenote, the contest is still running for a Gmail Account. Since most of the jokes so far are rather pathetic… I’m extending it. Come on people. I’m easy. All you have to do it tell a joke to get a chance. You control your odds. No bidding, begging, objectives. Just tell a joke ;-).

9 replies on “Mac OS X Address Book for Thunderbird”

I’ve tried to install the patches (using the Extensions Tool in Thunderbird), but have not had any success.

Could you post the procedure that you used to install the patches?



I didn’t get the ADD joke for the longest time…prolly because I have ADD myself….

I’d love to switch from Mail to a more sophisticated mail client, but with two Macs, a smart phone, and an iPod, I *must* have iSync capability.

So I sure would like to try Thunderbird with this patch. Do you have to have any developer tools to apply it? Is it possible to get a copy that’s alrerady patched?

From what I’ve heard… is that Apple is doing just that with Tiger. iSync is basically going away and being integrated into the OS itself. I also heard that they will be releasing tools for developers to help build syncing power into their own apps.

Here’s a quote from their site:

“In Sync with Developers
System-wide availability of sync services means that developers can now easily incorporate syncing capabilities into their applications. Tiger’s sync engine is extendable, so developers can go beyond synchronizing calendars, bookmarks and contact lists.”

Better integration of the whole Mozilla suite into OS/X would be a big boon for the FOSS community

Is there any way to “tag” your address book entries with Thunderbird (Mac), so
you can find “carpenter” or “electrician” or “Tech Support”?

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