Microsoft is slowing pushing IE towards the point where it will no longer be available for anything but Longhorn. They announced the other day that there won’t be builds later than 6.0 SP1 for Windows, and the Mac side would not have new releases but would be supported “for the foreseeable future” (we all know what that means).
To me, this is the greatest news yet. Safari and Mozilla provide much better support than IE ever did. They are a far superior choice in browsers. It’s one less rendering agent that a mac webmaster has to support.
They claim that Office will still continue to be developed for the Mac, and there is already a new version in the works. Finally, Microsoft gets the idea, IE for Mac is crap. The Open source movement won as far as quality goes, long ago. What was lost is the PR war. And hopefully as Mac users learn about alternatives, their Windows friends will wake up as well.
1 reply on “IE For Mac is no more”
try parallel or VMWare to run IE on Mac OS X.